Jody Gnant has the recording contract - I get one year in Phoenix. I hope the recording contract can help Jody get her singing career underway!
one year in Phoenix includes:
-One year free rent in the heart of downtown Phoenix. (If needed, the apartment can also come fully furnished.)
-roundtrip airfare for two from any major airport in North America.
Live right in the heart of downtown Phoenix.
Short walk to Roosevelt Arts District, Major Arts and Entertainment Facilities, Sports Arenas, ASU Downtown Campus, the Capitol, etc. 1BR, 1Bath, historic bungalow style duplex with 9 foot ceilings, oak floors, living room with fireplace, separate dining room, new kitchen, laundry room. 700 square feet. I can throw in four third-row tickets to an AZ Diamondbacks game, which is walking distance to the recipients new home.
Here's the house:

I'm pretty jazzed about this - my first foray into real estate. I so don't have any official real estate trading credentials or anything like that. I don't even drive a Dodge Stratus. I should probably get myself some business cards, a briefcase, and above all else, a car phone.
have fun - kyle
Did I stay I Phoenix for a year?
Or trade it away?
Click here to find out!
Was wondering which one you'd choose...
Love your idea, and have been telling all my family and friends about it since I've discovered your site...
Good luck,
Tali, Israel.
All from one little red paper clip. Fantastic, you are a true businessman. You better get some business cards and a cell phone!
Toronto, Canada
Good for you...very inventive and I hope you do it.
You got skill just wish i came up with that idea first but dont worry i wont take it. Good luck im sure youll get the house soon enough
Really amazing !!
I just read the whole thing and Í'm going to tell everyone I know about this. This is a real inspiration.
I hope you get what you want. (to be honoust: a year in phoenix sounds really good)
good luck!!
Jolanda, The netherlands.
Congratulations Kyle, you're almost there. Best of luck with your quest for real estate.
Wales, United Kingdom.
Huh, weird coincidence, I am sitting in my office about 5 minutes from that house. It's not such a bad area now, although you might get some road noise and a lot of foot traffic. Conveniently located near the freeway. ;)
Nice work!! I knew you'll pull it, since I first heard of your plans, but Are you sure you wan to trade for another vehicle? good job
If I could choose to spend a week in phoenix, or a wekk in hell...I would choose..
You sir are brilliant! It is a very entertaining story filled with luck and non-standard thinking.
Hey dude,
I'm from Singapore, not sure whether u know where tt is, but my bf told me to take a look at ur site and i think u're pretty cool! Gd luck! ;)
this is awesome! I wish I had a Dodge Stratus or something to trade you for this. Good luck and keep it going! This is probably the best thing I've seen on the 'net in a while. You're an inspiration.
your front page digg now:)
lets see how the server holds up
Wow, you could be a Dutchman!
It's very nice to follow, i have told everybody surround about this site.
Ok, my mom has got a '96 Dodge Stratus, and already lives in Phx. But this would TOTALLY be better than where she lives now.
But, if you decide to move here, you TOTALLY gotta look me up!
wow, you're getting there. :)
Keep going, I'm really rooting for you. Good Luck.
Mike, Frostburg MD
Jack from Kentucky here . I have an idea you might consider - trade for TWO identical items and then you can do double trading in order to leverage your trades . Good Luck.
i'd estimate the year's rent is worth about $7000. not bad, but i think the studio time was probably worth more actual cash(though perhaps a harder trade).
luckily here in phoenix there are a lot of people with fishy financing on their houses who would like to make a deal.
Te felicito, soy argentino, y desde mi ciber linkeamos a tu página para que te conozcan, ser y creer en grande es bueno, nuevamente felicitaciones.
Si me das una mano con mi página te lo agradeceré, mirala, www.theeggsofkike.unlugar.com, voy a vender un huevo en un millón de dólares. Ayudame a mostrar a la gente que la distancia entre loco y genio es el éxito.
Buena Suerte!!!
Okay, I think you need to get into some cash. Someone (me?) needs to offer you, say, $5K for the year's rent, provided that they get, in return, the right to sublet during that year. If it's worth $7K, then that's a sound investment.
What YOU get is something very nice. Namely, the ability to post: WHAT WILL YOU TRADE ME FOR $5000? People desperate for quick cash will no doubt give you an item worth more than this. . . you'll have your pick of the litter, I can assure you that.
Now, this may well have come up already, but I havne't had the time to scan all comments. . .
I stumbled on your blog after looking at www.gorillamask.net. I am sitting in my office in Helsinki and thinking what could I offer for a red paper clip. I was thinking about a trip to Italy (just went to Tuscany great!), a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crusts off or perhaps a stapler with actual staples (staplers are better).
Chris Code,
Helsinki, Finland
Beautiful place. I found your site from an article from CNet News. This has really taken off - well done!
Tu es un inspiration pour nous tous!
hey I first heard about your website when you were on the kevin and bean morning show. Now I visit you site everyday. Dude that totally rocks with that last trade. If I had something that was good enough to trade I would. Goodluck with the house bro.
Congratulations ! Your heartwarming story is traveling the world, as you can see from all of us reacting to it I'll spread the word too.
Don't forget to sign that deal for a movie (with Tom Hanks ?)
Good luck !
Nick, Belgium
Tordant!! C'est vrai cette histoire? (on l'as-tu l'affaire à Montréal! ;-) ) J'aimerais beaucoup avoir un objet dans cette chaine hors de l'ordinaire, juste pour faire partie de cette aventure qui semble connue à travers le monde, mais bon, c'est déjà rendu trop gros... Alors j'envoie simplement mes salutations et je vais sûrement repasser par curiosité.
Best of luck for the future of this project.
Patrick, Montréal.
Hey, Colleen from Thunder Bay, Ontario here. Nice to see a guy from Montreal doing something fun with his time. If you Good Luck with all trades, hope you get to a house soon.
PS, try playing Roll Up The Rim. Ya, might win something trade worthy. Just a thought,
Well, I'm pullin' for ya, Cheers
Awesome game...
The best things my friend have got were
A christmas tree
and firewood
You take the cake!
Just insane! It's amazing the things that can happen from one small idea.
Wishing you the best of luck in getting your house!
Andi, Kansas
God damn, you got really lucky. Very, very smart though.
Skip Hollywood - keep Phoenix! I'd go for a trade to a snowbird for their Motorhome which you could then trade for a small home somewhere....:) What a great example you are for how much can be accomplished with a simple idea and a positive attitude!
Fantastic idea. I saw this on aol. Ill check this site out everyday. How about selling lots of ads on this site for extra cash?
Good Luck.
Doris, St. Louis, Missouri
What a great story. I see a movie in your future. Just don't trade the script for something else. You could get more than a house for it! Monselle, Atlanta
Awesome Idea! I LOVE IT! Read about it in The Southeast Missourian online today. Maybe you could find someone who urgently wishes to relocate to Phoenix, and owns a fixer upper property of some sort (i.e. small home or a mobile home), who would be willing to trade it for the year of rent. Then you could trade the fixer upper to an investor for something better. Best of luck with this! I have a feeling you'll be getting a house soon. ~Angie~ Jackson,MO
Hey Kyle,
Congratulations on the year of free rent. I was thinking. Since you got those Diamondbacks tickets as well as the year of rent, maybe you could trade those things separately. Then you'd have something from the trade for the year of rent AND something from the tickets. You could combine them and trade for that house you want. Anyways, hope you succeed with your goal.
how about if you track down the girls with the paperclip and give them the year of rent in exchange for one very famous red paperclip... it's obviously worth alot more than a fish pen now.
What is really funny to me is that when this is all over, that original red paperclip, if it were distinguishable somehow, or being sold by the original recipient (assuming s/he hasn't just used it to hold some papers together), would be worth almost as much as small house from a memorabilia standpoint.
You inspire red paperclips everywhere.
What fun u r having..Good Luck....only in America!
this is just fantastic! I think u're great to just think about the idea of trading a red paperclip, but to actually do it! really cool!Ew're cheering for u in Norway!
Rebecca, Hordaland, Norway
Parabéns, sua idéia foi genial, não só a sua idéia, mas também a capacidade de negociar as coisas. Boa sorte nas suas proximas negociações.
Thiago Cavalaro
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Hey Kyle, amazing idea.. I posted your banner on my myspace for ya.. hope it'll get passed around... you should think about getting yourself a myspace account.. might help.. (myspace.com)
Kyle ... I stand in complete awe of your chutzpah and for the ultimate power of the internet. I'm now totally convinced anything is possible if one will only give life a try. Fabulous!!! and Well done so far!!!
That's awesome-you should come work for us!
- Rob
I-Built Computers
This story was most amusing..sharing it with some friends.. GOOD LUCK!!!
você é o "cara"
sacramento-MG- BRAZIL
Dude you are a master. I mean this story is so outrages. Can you say creative "I new you could" I wondering after you obtain your goal what you are going to trade in order to pay the taxes on the house
Laughing in Cali
Estamos torcendo para que você atinja seu objetivo e vamos estar acompanhando, boa idéia!
Thierla e Silviani
Coronel Vivida - Paraná
This has to be the most inspiring story I have heard in years. You have given me hope. Good luck. Wish I could trade you something, all I have right now is my job skills. Would not mind trading what knowledge I have of injection molding, but my current employer has that under wraps. www.geocities.com/woosterrubbermaid
My little contribution to my friends and former co-workers.
Wow, world-wide attention from a red paper clip! I have been looking around, and I've seen two languages I can read, one I can recognize, and more. How come I did'nt come up with this idea?
I can trade this to one black paperclip - I have photo to prove, I really have a black paperclip. And you need to travel to Brazil to trade with me. My page in net is : http://www.portal.senior.eti.br
Rogerio - comunidadesf@yahoo.com.br
If you not trade with me I will do a page in my country to trade my black paperclip to a house too ...
Great idea friend ...
Excelent, Just Excelent. All this from just one little red paperclip? Once you get the house, ( and I do believe you will )I say stay in for a year or so and paint it red, (see where I'm going with this), And start over again. But this time start with the house....Wow a house from a paper clip....What could you end up with from a house.....especially a RED HOUSE.
Genial sua idéia, parabéns mesmo.
Você soube usar a rede para ganhar sem passar por cima de ninguém, apenas usando o antigo método da troca.
Parabéns cara.
I think this is a totally awesome idea. If I could afford to give you a house in return for the rent, I SO WOULD!
wow... ths s ttly osm. u rok.
Wow! You have an amazing idea, good luck!
you're just amazing ! i'm wondering what the next trade would be...good luck ! ! !
Great story, I can't wait to see the Hollywood movie! Your ingenuity and perseverance are inspiring. I wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Austin, Texas
This is by far one the great example's of determination. May your future house be blessed and your dreams come true.
Hey Kyle, Take my ex-wife, please, fall in love, and you have the makings of an A-1 chick flick. You already have the title. I see some screenwriter making something extremely workable from your unique business vision... Good luck and better get an agent, quickly...
I wonder... I've been writing my first book, and this would be some interesting publicity.
What if I could get the profits from any published copies of the book split between me and another person, (or even have that person be a character in the book... if I only had a use for a trip to Phoenix...
Come to think of it, I do have family down there.
This is very interesting, and abso-frikkin'-lutely hilarious.
Now I want a paperclip.
just seen you on tv in new zealand, what a great idea,i will now be checking on your progress.....good luck to you.
Go Kyle! Go! This is sensational. Think I'll start a paperclip factory. Good luck.
Melbourne, Australia
Tu vas y arriver... t'es un malade ;) J't'y encourage de Paris... Un ancien du Plateau...
Hey Kyle! Greetings from the University of Maryland! CNN.com just posted your story today, and it has taken my circle of friends and I by storm! Best of luck with your future endeavours! You're doing great!
What an awesome idea! I was working at the time that I heard this, I drive a shuttle bus for a casino out in the foothills of California. Most of my passengers were shocked at what you have recieved with just trading a paper clip! This is just amazing! Its neat to think that you are getting so much publicity from this idea that even small town DJ's are getting word! With this much going for you I am sure you will get your house sometime soon! Good Luck and have fun!
The Catshark (Diane)
Sonora, CA
I'll setup a wireless network in your future house for this apartment.
Let me know!
You have the amazing ability to make something work! You have to love the barter system!!! If I had an extra house I would be willing to trade...
Best Wishes for your success! From Calgary
Nantes, France
C'est vraiment énorme cette conneries que tu as lancée, excellent!!
bonne chance
WOW!!! What a neat site! Where will you stop? Hopefully soon you will get something I want so we can trade,(like a cruise to Hawaii for my honeymoon) I think I have somethings you may like. DO you have an ultimate goal? What could someone offer you that would cause you to stop?
Fantastic idea and I will be keeping an eye on things to see if there is anything I feel like swapping. Best to warn you now I am in scotland! We have a few plots of land that have outlined planning permission. It's a lovely little country!
Good luck
man, your history is amazing!!!!
by Eder, from Brazil!
Ur big in england too. found u on the BBC news website. i'll be tracking you til the end. good luck
jeff ryan MI, you are one smart dude . soon as i heard about it i knew it would work just a matter of time before some rich guy or company (for the publicity) gives you your house! good luck and hurry up! i got an old fishing lure looking to get rid of. c-ya
Stumbled across this ages ago when you were at the doorknob. Have checked back every once and a while, but haven't since November. WOW! Congratulations and I know you're gonna get that house.
Ottawa, Canada
Has hecho esto muy rápido, saliste en el periodico de mi ciudad, en Mexico, ahi conocí de tu genial y loca idea, jaja.. increible!!!
Listen iam still in a whoa from all this you are recieveing from one little paperclip, iam sitting at work right now with 20 red paperclips maybe i should give it a go .. lol .. anyways your amazing! Never give up youl eventually get your home. Good Luck!
Pretty funky stuff man! Makes for great reading at work >.<
I agree Hollywood sounds cool,but that is all about timing. The house plans does seem cool but it just doesnt seem complete.
Ya some dude posted about a house boat! Now we are talking!
As you get further and further in your trades is there any fear? Oh ya and the guy who posted that he would give his place in japan! are you for real? Man people have alot to give I guess. Keep up the good work man ! Best of luck!!
Nik Montreal
This is really awesome! I liked it, do you need a room-mate? lol
Javad Ghorbati From Iran
wow i wanna be like you i wanna be the best salesman in the world and u enspired me
holly cow dude ur absolutely crazy insane and u make me proud to be canadian because only we would think of sumthin this crazy good luck
What a brilliant idea! I think you can write a book with your creative and extraordinary journey. Your book definitely will become the bestseller.
wow! About five minutes ago some highschoolers came duing the samthing as you. Better get some cards and a phone becuse we handed them a huge spotlight! Looks like you got a rival now
Just think what You could do with a Thousand clips!
I saw you on the news and just had to check it out. Awesome! Great Idea. I always end up saying to myself "Why didn't I think of that?" Well good for you. Congrats and Good Luck. On the other hand, I will trade a "button" that fell off my blouse for a "small cottage" by a lake. Any takers??
Cathy - Canada
Wow interesting blog. I am intrigued to see if you make it. Good luck.
All of this by a paper clip? You're awesome!
Atlanta, Georgia
i know you are going to get the house
i think im going to follow you on this
i have this really cool orange cone like those traffic ones but mine is special cuz' is like 3 inches tall it comes with a black permanent marker for you to write on it isn't it great???
im from monterrey mexico
e-mail me @
or just tell me what you want maybe i have it
i just want something better than than my cone
I Just saw your interview on GMTV in England, man that is amzing! How did you do that?
Good luck for the furture!
Hi there Kyle, you've gone global now, i saw you on morning tv hear in a city called 'Hull' in England.
I got straight onto you're website, and WOW, what a guy, you sure know how to make i living, i envy you man. Keep up the great work........Ricky......yes my name really is Ricky, not Kyle !!!!!
Good Luck Mate !!!
Great idea.
I wrote your story in a Belgian newspaper.
Trading like this must be great fun.
Best off luck for the future.
Luc VW , Antwerp, Belgium.
Hello there :-)
It's amazing what you have accomplished with one red paperclip!!!
Good luck from Denmark!
I think this is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen.
Good luck to you From every one in DENMARK
Nikolaj, Denmark
Greetings from Europe, Its a very creative idea you have, and i hope you get your house, good luck
Alleroed, Denmark
Hello... my name is Pamela, and I'm from Chile (southamerica)...
I just read on the newspaper (a chilean one)about you... and let me tell you something...
I hope, you'll can get you dream house pretty soon...I really hope so...it would be like a price...for your intelligence!!!
good bye!
you do make me laugh when r u gona see some money then?
im always thinking of diffrent ways to make money the internet is good i just need some similer ideas good luck mate
saw you on gmtv in england this morning, good luck Maxine London
Nice Job Kyle! We live about 20 min walk NNW of you. My wife had lived in Toronto & I have cousins N of London (Ontario). If you're still in PHX & want to take in the NASCAR race @ PIR this wkend (22 APR) let us know. Bon Chance Ami!
haha this is awsome.
saw you on gmtv swung by your website like you said i'm amazed good luck can't wait for the movie.
hope you get your house i'm sure its only days away the amount of hits in response to you is incredible see you on your next chatshow or the apprentice giving sugar a run for his money
by brunao from Brazil
unbelievable !!
This show the big power that a great idea have...
congratulations man..
Heard a local DJ talking about you and later in the day went onto the BBC news website and there you were! Great idea and brilliant fun.
Good Luck x
Helen, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Hi Kyle
i´m very inpressd. Very good job. Keep up the good work. Love from Horsens, Denmark
as you all know: Madonnna, Rolling Stones and Santana will play i our town here this sommer.
Horsens, Denmark
What determination I thought when ready your story
A friend of mine and I have been thinking of starting a business and after reading this I am definately going get on it right away.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Good Luck!!!!!
I will keep checking to see where you are.
Unbelievable! I really can't get my head around you starting off with a paper clip and ending up with a house! Great job and keep up the good work with trading!
Unbelievable! I really can't get my head around you starting off with a paper clip and ending up with a house! Great job and keep up the good work with trading!
(P.S. Now all i have to do is trade my little blue paper clip and end up with a billionaire mansion!)
Wow what a story! It even got through to thissmallhappyislandfullofsunintheCaribbean. Maybe a place to target for your final deal?
Alexandra, Curacao, Dutch Antilles
Great story,
We could offer you an stay in our château, but you already have a place...Good luck
your story is amazing, i saw you on the news this is the coolest shit i have seen so far only on line. you are a modern day huck fin wasn't he the one who bartered his job of painting a fense for a frob?rmaol
Living the dream BABY!
Je dois admettre que je suis impressionnée! C'est fou la magie du net! Mais il fallait y penser!!
Congratulations and good luck!!
What a great idea and an amazing result with it,... A paperclip for a house,.. you're great!
greets from the netherlands,..
Saw you yesterday on TV here in United Kingdom.
Did you ever expect to gain your 15 minutes (more like months) of fame because of a red paperclip.
Don't stop at a house - reach for the moon
nice one mate, good luck with the house! god i cant believe u av bin so lucky, or maybe twas ur natural wit and inspiring character lol, i dunno.
I will say no more but tara chuck(english slang for goodbye) and bonne chance (french for good luck lol!)
Ant from...
Sheffield, England, UK, Europe, The World, The Milky Way, The Universe, The Black Hole in which the universe is Contained, One of infinity space/time dimensions in which our miniscule universe is far less than omnipresence,
and ultimately, God's whim!
Good luck lol! Ant!
Hi from Monterrey, Mexico.
i read you on the newspaper... well i hope u can get your own house.
so, you are my inspiration to get my travel to england when i can change the Glasses that my grandmother give me. there are and oldy and special.
thanks.... and good Luck!
Hey Kyle,
There is nothing more that I can add to these comments that hasn't already been said, but WOW! you really are an inspiration for everyone to follow your heart and dreams will come true. I wish you all the luck in acheiving your goals. ~one crazy peanut~
Imagine if you would of started with two!
wow ... amazing..i only wish i would have thought about it... that year in Phoenix would be awesome...but all i got to trade is my little sister...lol...good luck with your real estate endeavours!!!
Awesome! This is one of the most incredible examples of bovine behaviour I have ever seen. I wish you luck, and even if you don't reach your goal, I'm sure there's a sweet position with your name on it in the provincial legislature.
Alright, here's an offer. For the Phoenix house, I'll give you ONE BLUE PAPERCLIP. You thought red was good, but wait until you see what a blue paperclip can do. A trip to Yahk? Forget it! People will be offering you trips to the moon, just for the blue paperclip... Let me know. :)
Tucson, Arizona
2 hours South of Phoenix
Hello from Osaka, JAPAN!
This blog's story is just introduced in Japanese Kansai area local TV-show for approx. 7 minutes. But unfortunately URL wasn't announced so I found here via Google.
I hope you could get great offers from....
And also enjoy travel to....
Japan! :)
good luck!
Nice one now you've got a house...
You've got an article up on www.nu.nl (seen by +/- 1 millions dutch newswatchers...)
The Netherlands
Congratulations with this really cool house. Even in Holland we know about this project!
Good luck!
Good Luck - Winnipeg is Rooting for you!
Absolute bluudy genius, i canny belive you did it that there aye. I tried it once but only ended up with a fiat punto. Not as good as a bluudy house that there aye. i think you are FANTASTIC!!!!! great job matie.
Fantastic! Read about it in the Globe & Mail!
Wow! WHat an inspiration you are! You've proven what amazing things and people the universe can present to us if only we ask! Can't wait to see you succeed, as I have no doubt you will!
Good luck and God Bless!!!
Congrats to you, Kyle. You must have amazing karma. Best of luck to you.
Pittsburgh, PA
very very awsome!! if i had some reason to go to phonix for a year i'd be more than happy to come up with a trade for you. Very very amazing, best of luck to you
Currenlty I am trading some paperclips (not just red ones) here in Amsterdam to get you a round trip airplane ticket from your place to Amsterdam. Just for a weekend or so. You can stay in my place. I make sure I have some surplus credits from the paperclip trading business to be used for numerous beers at a hot downtown Amsterdam bar. The reason for all this: in this hot downtown Amsterdam bar I would like to discuss with you a strategy how to sucessfully trade a brand new fine wooden toothpick for a new US President while consuming numerous bears. Also my mate Tibi from Bukarest, Romania will sit in and discuss with you some ideas of finding a General Lee in the Carpathian Mountains, because he knows people over there that own one, have no clue what treasure they posess and probably couldn't care less if someone would take it. Some other amateur traders(Jeff from New Jersey - USA, Pete from Brisbane - Australia, Tom on his way to Hangzhou - China) will also sit in and breathlessly learn from you while trying not to look too drunk.
Hang on ... man I'm slow ... let me talk to Tibi first about getting this General Lee from Romania myself and then trade it with you for something ...
i have a yellow paperclip taped to my computer monitor here at work. It shows that anything is possible.
This project is incredible!! What an amazing adventure it must be! I would love to trade our house in Utah for the one year in Phoenix (was born and raised there for 26 years until we moved to UT last summer! I sooo want to go back!), but that cute duplex is just too small for us. :-( Good luck with everthing!
Layton, UT
It's about time some true entertainment, and genius, is displayed on the grand and glorious world wide web. Congrats on a successful journey, I hope it continues in the right direction.
Good Job!!!
I have a pair of Candy Fushia colored heels I will trade up for a boyfreind that anyone has laying around. Would love some pointers!
Good luck!! You will make it!
Detroit, Michigan
This is great and you are quiet the young man...good luck!! After you movie deal you are sure to get you can have a house wherever you like!!!
Hi there,
Im on the Isle of Wight (little Island of the south coast of england) I heard bout ya on the national radio (BBC radio 2) Just had to drop you a line!
Its just an incredible story, had to hear more bout it!
Its crazy! well done!
Oh, n dont just stop at a house!.... Its the queens 80th birthday today.... maybe you could trade up to take over her job?
i heard your interview with fletch, vaugn and chang on The Edge radio station in New Zealand... that was when you had just traded for the snow mobile... ROCK ON MAN!!! i cant belive it from just one paperclip to that! woooooah!
This is great man! Keep up with the good work. I saw a post on a newssite in the Netherlands (http://www.nu.nl/news.jsp?n=716816&c=50&rss): weblogger trades paperclip for a house.
Just visited your site and the story is really great!
Ahoy! Arr, arr, arrrrrrr. I shall be tradin' ye a chest full o' Pirates gold! He he harrrr.
All I be wantin', matey, is yer soul. We Pirates have no interest in material goods.... or free rent on ye' apartment....
And no, I'm not to be tradin' me ship to ye.
Happy sailin' to ye, mate.
Nice good job keep up the good work!
Go here plz and sign up thankyou! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I wish I could make an offer for marrying me but I bet the guy who's gonna let his house to get it will be a total mess. Ah, that's too bad. Good luck anyway you clever bastard
You are very smart i hope that you have good luck the next time you trade a paper clip SMART man you are very wise signed 8 year old boy brycen.
I would have traded something for that paperclip.
I have a thing for paperclips :).
Good Luck. =D
Wow! I heard you on the radio today, and I have to say this whole paperclip thing is the most brilliant idea ever!
You'll have that house soon enough!
Good luck!
God, I wish I could be that lucky...If I start out with a set of cards (or something like that), could I compete with you in getting the goals we have (you=a house. me=small part of a giant corporation [or all of one...]).
Good luck and...GOOD LUCK :)
I think this is freakin fantastic.. good luck!!!!
Good luck on your quest,you do realise you will eventually see another paper clip.........It will be binding the documents for your HOUSE.Anyway good luck again.
Adie in Rugby England
Great Job!!
I'm rooting for you. God Bless.
haha you must be the best trader in just about the whole world? :P
good luck!
Red Paperclip to a year at a house!
Well done and Good Luck :)
Great job brother! I hope u get a house! Too many people are jelous of you!!
Let's make a deal tirns into a reality show!
good 4 u man , im here in ireland and i herd about you on the news today so i just had to cheek this out , hpoe u get your house soon. stuart moloney from dublin rep of ireland
Você teve a melhor idéia que alguém poderia ter!!!!
Muito legal!!!!!!
Parabéns cara =DDDDDDDD
What a good Idea ! Pass a great year in your house, maybe, next years you could start with a blue paper clip....haha
Nice one dude!
But be carefull! I heard about some idiot once that traded a priceless afternoon with a famous rock star for a $40 Kiss snowglobe.
So watch out. You're definitly only a few steps away from that house (unless you do something stupid like the other guy).
that is so cool that you started with a paper clip and now you got a house
amazing idea!!! what can i say only you've got skill!!
I saw your story on the local news last night and I am truely impressed. Keep it up and maybe trade the house for something bigger. Maybe a bigger house...see how far you can go!
Milwaukee, WI
nice job. me and my friends would play that as kids 2. the best stuff we ever got was a lawnmower, a old compurter, a printer, a office chair, and the best, a chair shaped like a hand (like u sit in its palm)
Sam was here.
I am absolutely amazed with what u have done,
outstanding effort.
good luck with your future, (you could be a great entrapurneur, if that's how you spell it)
keep goin mate
Victoria, Australia.
funny, i used to go camping at bonny doon, when the lake was full...
hope u get the house mate, you deserve a mansion!
omg i saw you on tv( beyond tomorrow) and i couldnt believe what you have done.. keep it up... your a lucky man to have thought of it...
hope you succed your goal!! xox
Absolutely incredible! I am anxious to see you or someone do this again!
Very inspiring and innovative. Makes me realize that it pays to think outside the box. Reminds me to turn off the TV and think for a moment. Never know what ideas may come if we remember to stop and let our creativity go to work. Congratulations on the house. Equally as important, you've inspired millions to redefine what is possible.
I can believe anything, even someone who barters their way to a house with a paper clip; clever.
hah that's really an impressive idea!
Enough already about luck... How the hell do you get lucky if you do somthing? Things happened when you do somthing like this guy. He is outside the box. Congrats
Congratulations Kyle, i had a feeling this could be done... you done it... now it would be awesome if i could get rid of all my stuff that easly... of course shipping for a paperclip cant be that expensive...
you are a inspiration to many and i hope one day i can be like you...
Good luck and God speed
merci pour cette formidable histoire ; ton histoire rend heureux !
Nathalie, FRANCE
Wow this is an amazing story... I cannot believe you got to a house from just one paper clip!
Could I change my blue paperclip for your house??
Or a bleu and red paperclip for your house?
Ur story has landed in this part of Asia. i read about your story in Reader Digest and i must say.. thats y life is so beautiful..
dun give up!
Singapore (the lil red dot!)
Most amazing
That you traded the party kit for the year in Yhak. Half way througth your book and up to the trade with the recording contract.
Hope you make it
is all this reeeaaaalllllll!!!!?????
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