The Million Dollar Fish Pen

I traded one fish pen for one doorknob with Annie Robbins in Seattle last year on July 14. Annie recently approached me with an idea: She wants to send the pen on a journey. The plan is to send the fish pen to people so they can sign a check(s) for charity with it. The idea is to get the pen, sign a check for charity with it, take your picture with the fish pen, write a story about the "experience" and then pass the pen on to somebody else. Who you send the pen to is up to you. Pictures and stories would be sent to someone who maintains a blog that tells the story of the fish pen as it travels around, signs checks, and meets new people.

So, I love the idea, but I don't nearly have enough time to setup/maintain another blog/website and do it well. I'm tapped out. I don't want to do a poor job with this. It's gotta be done well. So here's the question: Is there anyone out there who'd like to take on this project, and setup/maintain the fish pen's charity check-signing blog? This could be a great experience for someone to maintain an awesome blog that will likely have lots of traffic, a cool story, and above all else, help out good causes.

Who knows, maybe the fish pen could go around and raise a million dollars for charity. Or maybe even one hundred billion dollars. You never know.

If you're interested in helping out, please contact me. Thanks. Kyle


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a noble idea! Which charity would the "fish pen" be used to sign money to? I would love to be a part this, but to what extent I cannot say because of lack of time. Maybe the blog could be a community effort!

Anonymous said...

Why not "Web 2.0" the idea and distribute the work...have the person who signs put the pictures on their blog and point to the previous signee and the next signer. Then it becomes this happy trail that follows the pen in cyberspace.

Turtle said...

This would be really cool to have a map that traced it from one location to the next, as well as a running total on the donations to the different charities.

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea jon! Interested people could follow the route the pen takes through different people's pages. A central page would make it easier to follow the pen, though. That way having a web page or blog wouldn't be a requirement for participating.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a page! I follow orp daily almost, but I don't have a blog. And I want to play. Also, it should be the holder of the fishpen's charity of choice. No?

Turtle said...

of course it should be up to the individual as to which charity they wish to give. No sense in limiting participation!

L.Bo Marie said...

I love the idea!!!!
Send me the pen!

Anonymous said...

What happens when the pen runs out of ink???

Anonymous said...

I would be glad to operate a blogger site where I would post the pictures and the stories of the pen. It wouldn't be too hard. People could e-mail that stuff to me, and I'd just post it. Let me know if the job isn't filled yet. The blog site would be or something like that. I don't think you need to get too wacky with the name.

I heard about your story and think you are a genius and wish I had come up with this. I'm telling everyone I know about it and they all think I'm full of s***t. Good on ya.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea and hope one day to get the pen! I also think there should be one main page. I do not have a website, and would love to be able to go to one place and see where the pen has been.

writing_here said...

I like Jon's idea.

Congrats on turning the paper clip into a house.

(as for signing checks - what about us you prefer our debit cards - could I sign my name to a "charge" form?)

Anonymous said...

I think this would be a great idea. I think that each individual person should pick their charity and explain why they picked it and then there could be a link for other people to check out the charity. That way the pen could make money exponentially.

medic-human said...

Jon idea seem logic,,
