This morning Rhawnie and Corinna from Vancouver called me up and offered to make a trade of their fish pen for the paperclip. Rhawnie and Corinna are Vegans. I figure'd they'd used the fish pen to write out all sorts of cool stuff on paper and, being vegans, wanted very little to do with a fish. They probably needed the paperclip to clip all those papers toghether so it was the ideal win-win situation. I happened to be in town for the day and had never traded a paperclip with a vegan before, let alone two, so I figured, what the hay, let's do this.
Rhawnie found the pen camping and was sad to see it go, but was pretty stoked on her new paperclip.
I'm pumped on having the pen, but in the name of the game, it's gotta go too.
So, please get back to me if you're down with trading me something bigger and better than a wooden fish pen to get yourself the said pen.

*Click here to see what the fish pen fetched.
That is a pretty cool pen :)
Bathroom Review
...if I were them, I'd trade the paperclip...and keep the tradition going. whoever obtains the paperclip has to trade it, and keep trading until they obtain something they seek.
now that would rock.
This is a pretty fantastic concept, but I think they got a raw deal. I mean.....that fish pen is totally WAY better than the paper clip. So I would have to agree with the other guy that the paper clip would have to be constantly traded but therien lies a paradox. Nothing comes paramount to a red paper clip(even though it is a BADASS red one!)
I saw your newsclip "one red paperclip" on TV this morning in Phoenix, AZ, 04/17/06. It really hit me, as the first trade was 07/14/05 to Rhawnie, my name is Rawnie and very few women have this name.
but the thing is...everyone will really want the red paper clip now. I mean, that thing could get you all kinds of cool stuff! It's, um...priceless!
If anyone knows who hasit or has the paperclip, i would be willing to trade for it. Contact me and and well arrange something.
I think that they should sell the paperclip online, this is a reolution of trading and has to be a milsetone within itself. Its going to be worth history. Make some cash on EBAY!!
Hey Kyle, I think what you are doing is too cool! I hope you get your house! I wish I had something to trade, but I don't. I'm having fun just watch all of this unfold!
Hello! I am from Spain. I live in Lanzarote, which is a very beaoutiful volcanic Island... I am sure that i will find something to trade with you...
I promise it.
Hey Kyle
My name is Tone
I met you the night you came to vist the girls in Whistler with your cube van you traded for to party it up and check up on the red paper clip.
Corrina has just returned from L.A. where she did her interview with 20/20 on crutches no less..
Too bad Rhawnie wasn't there but she is in Guatemalea with my girlfriend Cambria who you also met.
Heck, they should have flown down there to do a interview with her also! Haha.
Funny i had just finished talking to the girls about it when i went outside and lo and behold. i found a red paperclip lying on the ground in front of me!! ha ha!
Wow so much demand for it now
I think the girls should lock the real one in a vault now!!!
take care
hope to see you again soon!!
djtone/the solartribe
wOW! you are a very inspiring person! Life has been tough to many. ill be needing a paper clip of my own to get by.I got a Blab site!CONGATULATIONS!
You have an interesting story. I've been bartering on craigslist for many years with lots of great trade stories.. Honestly though you had an unfair advantage over all of us traders.. without the publicity you would never have gotten that far ahead up to a house! But ofcourse kudos to you for getting it. I would say your cut off point as a regular trader was up to the beer sign - after that you had media help.. most of all the rest of the trades including the house was for added publicity to those who traded with you. for anyone else to barter up to a house, one would need media attention to help provide that carrot on the stick for others to trade up that high. -don't get me wrong.. i'm not complaining or anything just providing the truth of the matter here. hey, more power to you dude.
This is about the coolest thing I have seen online in a very long time. I live in Oklahoma,U.S., and my friend from Regina sent this to me. I am very happy for you that you have traded "up" so quickly and how it took just a red paperclip to get htis started!! Very ingenius, to say the least!! Have you gotten your house yet? GOOD LUCK!! ~Darla
hi, i am from malaysia, this is the 1st time i see such a special website. hope i can trade sth v u .
fish pen is pretty good...
Can you imagine! this was the first thing your red paperclip was traded for, now you've got your house, congrats ;)
Fascinating! That "Kyle the Kraftsman" has presented the opportunity for so many to contribute: people, objects, places, stories, gain/loss, interests, analysis, hope, fortune, destiny - all have been woven into this curious tapestry fashioned by many. Perhaps, "a red paperclip" will stick and become an icon for, "that which sparks interest and brings good fortune".
NO FU**** WAY is that possible in the real world!!!
This isn't the real world... it's Canada
I don't think this is real, it's like a dream or pure fantasy.
cool pen!
i bet paperclip sales have doubled since you came along!
A pen in the shape which I never seen before
nice post gr8 work
Is this real i dont think so.
very real
Kyle Im just wondering y a person trade his stuff to something with a lesser value..but you know i want to try this really..
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