In Kipling, Saskatchewan. Canada.
We've got a house! On Main Street! This is going to be great. I've never lived on Main Street before. Any Main Street.

A few of the fine folks at the housewarming party:

More PICS here: Kyle MacD | Scotty MacD | The 1 Second Film
It's "official." I traded one movie role for one house with the town of Kipling Saskatchewan on July 12, 2006.
Kipling's trade offer went a little something like this:
Kyle, the Town of Kipling, Saskatchewan wants you to complete your quest for a house. The Mayor and Town Council with the support of the employees and residents of the Town of Kipling have an offer offer for you. We know you will say Yes!
1. As a new resident to our community you will receive a Community Welcome Package containing local information and promotions from local businesses.
2. The Kipling Chamber of Commerce will give you $200 in Kipling Cash. This Cash can be spent at any local Chamber of Commerce business.
3. You will be given a Key to the Town of Kipling
4. You will become Honorary Mayor of Kipling for One Day.
5. You will be named an Honorary Lifelong Citizen of the Town of Kipling
6. The day we make the trade will be decreed One Red Paperclip Day by our Town Council and everyone will be encouraged to wear a red paperclip in honor of your achievements.
7. Will build the world’s largest red paperclip in dedication to you and your “one red paperclip project”
8. Most importantly to allow you to complete your quest…We will trade to you a house. The house was built in the 1920’s and has been recently renovated. It is locate at 503 Main Street Kipling, SK Canada. It is approximately 1100 square feet on two floors. There are three bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, kitchen, living room and dinning room. It has white vinyl siding, a new roof and eaves troughs that have been put on in the last few years. We will be sending you pictures of the house as soon as we have had time to touch up the paint.
Kyle MacDonald, do you accept our offer of one house in Kipling for one role in Corbin Bernsen’s movie “Donna on Demand”?
As you can imagine, I said yes. That's about the most unbelievable offer of all time. I'd have to say the "key to the city" was the clincher though. How often do you get offered a key to a city? Actually, I just re-read the offer. It's not a key to the "city", it's a key to the "town." That's even better! How often do you get offered a key to a town?
Now you're probably sitting there staring into the screen wondering "What the heck is the town of Kipling Saskatchewan going to do with a role in a movie?" And you should wonder, because the last time I checked, neither the Town of Kipling Saskatchewan nor the mayor of Kipling Saskatchewan wasn't exactly starring in a movie with Brad Pitt or Halle Berry. Actually, the last time I checked, you probably had no idea there was a town of Kipling Saskatchewan. But none of that is important now because here comes the best part of this trade - I get to infomercial-ize this blog. Yes, the moment we've all been waiting for. This is the part of the blog entry where I get to put on my cheesy infomercial voice and say, "But wait, there's MORE!"
And here's what the MORE is:
Kipling set up "American Idol style" auditions for the role in a film to be shot by Public Media Works. The Auditions were held over the Labor Day long weekend. Nolan Hubbard is the lucky guy who got the role.
Dom and I moved into the house over the Labour Day weekend, and the town of Kipling threw (feel free to quote me on this) "Saskatchewan's Biggest Housewarming Party, Ever."
It was literally the best housewarming party thing ever. 11 of the 14 traders made it to Kipling, along with more than 3500 other friends, family, strangers, and new friends!
Special thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. It was an amazing experience. Ans a super-duper-to-infinity thank you very much to all the traders. Without you all I'd just be some guy leaning against a wall with a paperclip in his pocket....and none of this would've ever happened.

So, what's your red paperclip?
If you enjoyed this little rundown of the trades, you should totally get a copy of the one red paperclip book! It chock full of other interesting stories about the trades. There's even a very special ending! And on top of all that, my grandpa gets the last word.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story.
Have fun,
1 – 200 of 380 Newer› Newest»Congrats Kyle,
I knew you would do it. So what's next? Is it the end of that journey? You won't stop there?
Come on we want more.
Put your face on my site
Congratulations, Kyle. I've been following your mission for only a few weeks now, but have been really impressed by the sheer mad genius of it all.
Brilliant, man! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Kyle! Fascinating journey and full of funtential. July 12 is a marked date.
Congratulations Kyle! You did it! and what an exciting way to do your last trade! I'll see what I can do to make your house warming, sounds like it's going to be a blast!
LOL cool.
Have a question - now that you're relocating - what's going to happen with job opportunities? Are you gonna be able to live @ 503 Main St and still work wherever it is you work (or would be working at?)
Kyle that is so cool!I live in Ma. and don't have the $ to make it to the party...but you are the man...
now if I only had a red paperclip..
Kyle, let me be the first reader to congradulate you. It almost brings a tear to my eye to see this trip end. It was wonderful. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to the housewarming party. If not, I will still send a gift! Congradulations again! Your determination and creativity have really earned you a FREE HOUSE!!!
Kyle!!! This is Awesome - I am sitting here laughing out loud! Congratulations... Unfortunately I cant make it to the house warming - even though I would love to... I have been following you on the ideline here since the beginning!But I'll tell you what! You are welcome in Afghanistan anytime... We dont have any red paper clips here or any house that you would want... but you are welcome anyways...
Again; CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SO happy for you!
Who would have thought a red paperclip could get you a house?
Congrats on getting your house!
Congrats Kyle!!! It's finally gonna happen. To be honest, at first I never beleived it would. Not only did it happen, but you had one hell of a time getting there!
Again congrats!!
This is totally awesome. When I read your blog I said that's incredible. I have a blog on current events in education and I just posted an entry referring to this blog, challenging teachers to think about how they might use your story to motivate students. This is very incredible.
Andy Pass
Congratulations! One hour after being first told about you, you have one house, after one year!
Fantastic, inspiring project!
I should be moving from Brisbane (Australia) to Chicago next year, and once I have, I'm planning on visiting Canada too. I am SO coming to ogle your house and take embarrasing picture of me in front of it!
Congratulations Dude!
Great stuff! I've been watching your progress since the year ago!
I still can't believe you're done it! Too cool!
Well done!
Maybe this is something I should try in my country - South Africa!
Awesome! This among one of the most entertaining (and oddly uplifting) stories I've heard in awhile.. Thanks!
By the way, Montreal (YUL) to Kipling, SK = approximately 35 hours.
I'm having goosebumps on my arms right now. When I first visited your website, I was amazed by the brilliant idea and the way you traded things to reach your goal. I thought it would take much longer to get your house, though. It's great that you managed to reach your goal AND help other people on your way. Kind of shows me that miracles still happen, if you know what I mean.
Anways, I hope you'll like living in Kipling, Saskatchewan.^^
THAT is amazingly awesome! Congrats Kyle!
What's next? A staple for a car? :) Seriously... what's next?
Congratulations! I'm originally from Regina, but I heard about this on the geek news website Slashdot. Welcome to the neighborhood! I wish I could make it to the party.
Kenosee Lake is relatively close to Kipling. I remember it being quite nice back when I was a kid.
I hope you enjoy your stay!
Congratulations! You made it. It isn't a loft in New York, London or Vancouver but it is a house!!!
Congratulations !
I've been following your blog from
San Diego, California.
Looking forward to video and photos of the festivities :)
- Brian
Congrats! I've been following your quest since it started, and I'm happy to see it being fulfilled in such spectacular fashion!
Congratulations! I can't believe you actually pulled this off.
Woo First to congratulate you... I hope you'll be well in your new house and have a good party. Won't be able to make it but wan't to give you a big round of applause on that one!
Unbelievable. Congratulations, this is huge!
Amazing. Congratulations on the successful end of your adventure -- but *who* gets to be in the movie??? Could it be... the Mayor?
Kyle, I've been watching your project for many moons but have never commented. I am SO happy you succeeded, and congratulations on having enough optimism to believe this could work. If more people thought like you, the world would be a better and definitely "funner" place. Seriously thinking about showing up to audition and party. I'm low-maintenance. I'll sleep in my car. Cheers to you!
Congrats. Amazing that you pulled it off. How's an urbanite like you going to survive in Kipling? Maybe that's the next adventure? or Reality Show.
Congratulations! Why stop here? I think you should keep going and try to trade the house for either an Airplane or an apartment building.
Congratulations, Kyle, you have made history here! I'll be looking out for your book!
So very, very rad. Congrats, Kyle!
Congrats! Admittedly, I first learned about your goal last night through a Slashdot article that said you had completed your quest. I read through everything up until that point and checked again today to see if you had updated on the house.
One year. Must have seemed like such a long time for it to happen, but looking back, it won't seem long at all.
Again, congratulations. This project truly shows the determination mankind is capable of.
And by the way, you're writing style rocks. If you haven't already, please go into writing.
HOLY COW, KYLE!!!! Congratulations! This is SO COOL.
This project is absolutely, bar none, THE most incredible web project I have ever witnessed. You are an amazing guy and Dom is one amazing woman to have put up with the whole thing. You have done something wholly unique - be proud of yourself, young man!
Wow, time to buy a ticket to Saskatchewan! This is one party I'd hate to miss!
This is brilliant. Congratulations to you, and congratulations to Kipling, SK!
I'm sorry I'll have to miss the party. I'm sure you'll have a great time.
Thank you for all that you have done to help out others on your red paper clip ride.
Jennifer and I met you and Jody in Phoenix and have been following your story since.
I travel all over the United State working and when I call home to talk to Jennifer we always talk about "what's new with Kyle"
She and I will do everything in our power to make it your housewarming party. If you need any help planning the big event, please write us for our phone number and we would be more then willing to help planning the event.
Again, thank you for providing us with great conversation, hope for future kindness, and just some good clean fun.
Bruce and Jen
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
I've been following your story for a while now. Having recently moved into Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, I wish you well in your new home!
How does Dom feel about the new house?
Congrats! time for a red clip BOC.
The free market in action (with a wee bit of media exposure to multiply the perceived value).
That's one helluva year. Kudos.
Good Job Kyle! I knew you would do it! Have fun in Sask.
God Bless
Congratulations, Kyle! Well done! :-)
CONGRATULATIONS! Be sure to get the press to cover the story.
Do you get the house for life?
Heya, Kyle! Congratulations!
And erm... you realize that most vinyl siding doesn't take well to paint, right?
Wonderful! I knew you will get it from the moment i knew your idea.
I'm a girl from Spain, your story it's also known by this side of the Atlantic Ocean. I'll miss your news now, it was so amusing reading your web. Especially the trip to Yahk and the trade with Alice Cooper.
Thanks for this time. Enjoy! :)
Brilliant! When I first heard about your idea I thought it was clever but I was doubtful how it would end. Happy ending!
WOW- congrats!
1. It would be cool if everyone you traded with could make it there- especially the ONE INSTANT PARTY!
2. Pictures of the interior would be nice too- maybe a video.
3. We want to send a gift as well.
--And since we know your address I STRONGLY suggest you register and let the world know (or you could end up with posters of paperclips and teapots with paperclip motif LOL). Seriously we are going to send one so...
AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS MAN!! You are an inspiration to ALL of us!!
You deserve this more than anyone!
Hope this journey brings you and your girlfriend lots of happiness!
Adam K.
Congrats! =D
Kyle, I've been following your site from time to time for the last couple of months.. thought it was a tad nutty at first, but now having seen that you've traded up for a house...that to me is a great achievement. Congratulations, and best wishes for the future.
You're my hero, Kyle!
Congratulations! An amazing feat resulting with an amazing barter. Fantastic, simply fantastic!
Simply amazing, thats all I have to say about this. It's hard to imagine the fact that you took an everyday item and traded it upwards and outwards to something that well, isn't an everyday item for some people. Also, Kyle, you've inspired me to make up my own trading blog (and I really hate to promote my own blog here!) that's slowly taking off, and I have to thank you for that, big time.
Once again, congratulations on your free house.
KYLE!!! that is AMAZING congrats to you!!! I have to admit, that I was following this pretty closely, and if I wasn't a poor college student in Fargo, ND, I would DEF. be at your housewarming party!!! I will be there in Spirit though!!!
but congrats again!!!!
p.S. Do you know where I can find a red paperclip??? ;-)
Hey, I live in Springside and go to Kenosee Lake a couple times a year (Was actually there June 30th - July 3rd). And I know a number of people from Carlyle. Not sure if I'll be able to make it but I'll send as many as possible your way.
KYLE!!!!! Oh my goodness i just knew you'ld do it!
so, are you going to sign the deal w/dear prudence fishpen??
i am very tempted to make my way up to your new home all the way from seattle. i just recieved a copy of the miracle tv show in japan from keiko. what a blast.
you are amazing .... thank you , being a part of this adventure has been a wonderful experience for me.
i just saw you on the news btw komo4.
I am so happy for you and for the human spirit you have managed to manifest - I'm gonna throw a party in honour of u and the red paperclip!
Maybe you can have your party live on webcam so we can take part (time differences will be overcome) we will be wearing our red paperclips here in Israel
(still looking for that newspaper that will earn me a patch...)
A big kiss,
Congratulations. I'm psyched to not only see you reached your goal, but reached it in style. Quite the offer!
Congratulations Kyle. I;ve been following you since the fish pen trade, and I knew you could do it.
Kudo to the town of Kipling for this amazing trade and other special offerings.
A live webcam must be set up for those of us who cannot join in the party.
I know that we will be hearing more about you in the future.
Congratualtions again on a job well done.
Way to go Kyle! The best is that you had fun and met some amazing people!
I bet this is not the end though!
way to go!!!
Congrats! I've been following this since you traded for the Alice Cooper meet-up!
Dear Kyle,
Thankyou for your excellent sense of humour, easy-to-read writing style and expecially the Brings-Tears-to-my-Eyes inspiriation.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and will dearly miss it.
I hope to be able to leave beautiful BC for a few days to be at your housewarming.
This is truly an occasion for celebration.
Congratulations!!! Montreal's gonna miss you. If I were you I'd work out a trade to get back the original paperclip, have it framed, insured, and hang it somewhere unique in the house. But since I'm not you I'll have to start a company just to hire you in some sort of PR position 'cause you've got a gift.
You totally rock man! I'm really glad there are people like you around.
I hope a lot of people turn up for the party. It would be great to be there.
It's late - I'm too tired to scroll down the entire 79 preceding comments so if someone has already asked this, I apologise.......I'd just like to know what constitutes half a bathroom?
You know, I wish I could do the same thing for Permanent Resident Status in Canada.
Congrats! I'm glad it's finally a done deal. That was one heck of a project to start and you did it with alot of "panache" (oh yes i speak french).
Félicitations Kyle!
Congratulations. You made it, and it less than a year. A what a year it was.
Oh wow, I still can't beleive you managed it. One red paperclip for a house. How did you do it? By working for it and proving that anything is possible. Good job.
All we can hope is the journey doesn't end here.
Congratulations Kyle! That's fantastic -- I'm now trying to figure out how I can get to 503 Main Street for the house party..... :)
Kim Bannerman
All I can say is - AWESOME!!
Congratulations - you DID IT!!
i live in saskatchewan.
good job dude.
tell me when your first house party is and we shall get crunk.
Congratulations! I have been following your trades for a while now, and I am very impressed. Way to go!
Good job Kyle!!!!
You've gotten your house!!!
I haven't gotten mine yet though :(
If someone has something to offer me, please visit my site:
Thank you!
Rodrigo Policarpo
Congrats, I've been to Kipling for a morning and it looks like a nice town.
Just found this today and you've got the house. Awesome dude. Wish I could be at the house warming. From Kyle in Wellington, New Zealand.
Congratulations, Kyle.
This is totally incredible!
You are really cool!
Congratulations Kyle! Quick work, only one year from red paper clip to house. Truly amazing!
So where are you registered if we want to send a housewarming gift?
I am a resident of Assiniboia Saskatchewan. Welcome to our province. Your site is amazing and i have been watching since the beginning and hoped that you would do it in a year. I also hope that i can get to the party. I am only a short drive away. so welcome to our province.
\/\/00+ you mentioned minot, north dakota! i live like 80 miles from there & got family there, i just found your site today, cool idea, you sir are awesome
I live an hour away from Kipling.
To me, this is insane.
I've never been to kipling though.
Not only you made web history with your quest... but you just made history PERIOD with the succefull trades... congrats again and come back with awsome ideas like this again :-)
Well done, you could never do that here in the UK.Its amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it. Have a great Housewarming do
omedetou! Congratulations!!! Kyle!!! You made a heroic legend.
I'm very proud of you !
Awesome! Congrats! All that jazz. Where are the pics of the house?!?!
Cool.... but just think what you could have gotten by trading a Blue Paperclip!
Wow, this is crazy. I used to smoke pot in that house when I was a kid. Can't wait to go back for the house-warming party!
Congratulations! to your challenge and passion to reach the goal...
i am so impressed, and got power to live my own precious life.
thanks a lot,
and wishing your NEW life become a great one.
Congrats on your accomplishment but I have an idea. Instead of having auditions for the movie role why not film the movie right there in town and have IT be the star? Local townspeople could extras.
Congratulations Kyle! I grew up and went to school in Kipling. It is a great place to be from! I know that they will roll out the red carpet for you. Good luck to you in all that you do and I hope to see you at the Housewarming Party!
Congrats and welcome to Saskatchewan! You'll love the winters ;)
Hey congrats! Kyle, A montreal'er myself i saw your story on cnn today. Inspired me enough to look up your cause and see if i can persuade you to look up my Myspace page and see if you can find some use for it!!
Hit me up!!!
Yeah, dude! Awesome.
I think the best part of this is that not only were you able to trade apaperclip for a house, but that you were able to do so in a humane and admirable fashion that kept in line with your morals. Well done.
'Hate to nitpick, but I'm not sure if siding can be painted, though. Not that I'm gonna tell you that something can't be done.
Saskatchewan, huh? Did you know there's a town called Eyebrow in Saskatchewan? They have a Free Methodist Church there. It's called the Eyebrow Free Methodist Church.
Congratulations! Your journey is truly inspirational to dreamers everywhere.
Go on youself Kyle,
Absolutely Brilliant!!
Been following your site for months now, just great that you have got the house.
Have a great housewarming party..
Keepon rockin!!
I say that it isn't impossible. It's simply what you imagine it is.
I just discovered One Red Paperclip today and was totally blown away. HUGE Congratulations to you and Dom, Kyle.
I used to play "Bigger and Better" with my youthgroup. I think the best thing we ever got was a picnic table, but some would argue that the broken lawnmower was better.
Awesome work. Ive been following you for a long time and im glad to see things finally worked out for you.
I will have to tell this story to my students in Phoenix, AZ. A true story that your dreams can come true. Thank you. Awesome job! young man. Enjoy, your new home and new location.
The thing I love about your story is that you help people along the way, you do not act as if you are conseded, congradulations.
No f**** way dude this is out of the planet, here in argentina whe have a tv show "CQC" they do exactly the same thing, they started with a button and ended up with a car and so on... this shit realy take time but's cool any way !
Kyle, old boy,
Good job. But, go back to your first blog - you spoke of an island or a house on an island. Is it over? Or are there to be more trades until you are on that island?!
Swap the house for a trip into outer space.
Now, that would be an impressive!
Congrats, man. Couldn't have happened to a more creative guy.
Kyle -
You are so inspiring! We live in NC and are getting married Labor Day weekend - I am thinking honeymoon? Now what can we trade for gas money to get to Canada?
- Lily & Andy
Congrats Kyle - it was a one year mission, but you did it the fun way, and brought us with you.
**clapping frantically**
Let me just add my congrats to the long line of congrats. :)
That's crazy, like Really freakishly awsome in a crazyful insanely cool way, I never thought you could do it in a year, but now you even get it on the aniversary, that's cool
That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. I am in awe of you. You, sir, are proof that dreams do come true, as long as you count on everyone you come in contact with being dumb. You are seriously the coolest person I currently know of.
Congratulations Kyle!
It is so cool that you started out with a paper clip and ended up with a house!!
I have been following your adventure for about four months now. My wife, friends and even the students at my school are so completely enraptured with your story. Congratulations on achieveing your goal. Two questions; What's next? and What are you going to do in Kipling Saskatchewan
Hey Kyle congratulations on achieving your goal of one house!
I have been following your adventure since you traded the keg for the snow mobile. My wife, friends and students have all been rooting for you. I'm certain it's been one funtastick ride. Just Two questions; What's next and What are you going to do in Kipling Saskatchewan?
You can get in touch with me here
Hope to hear from you
You did it!! I've been following this since the start, what a ride, man.
what an ecxiting story! ^^*
congratulations! ^0^
and thank you for showing that stuff like this doesnt only work in cartoons .. ^-^
... i want to try too xP
Go futher ! Change the house for a plane...a plane for a country...a country for Europe ;-)
Martin (from Europe)
Freakin' legendary bud, fair play!
Fantastic! Very nice done Kyle.
What's next on your journey?
(we wan't more ;-).
..from Copenhagen, Denmark
Congratulations Kyle, or may I say Mr One Day Honor Mayor of Kipling!
I discovered your blog today thanks to a yahoo! link on the french Y! page. (yes I m french!). What you've done is really unbelievable, and I believe that you really are a genious, a business genious as Trump and Gates were! If you had told anybody last year: "Next year this paper clip will be a house" noone would have believed you. What you've done is just GREAT!
As said in France: "Mes respects Monsieur le Maire!"
French Fan
Nice trade you did,.
Want to trade your house for a girl on ?
guess not ;-)
Enjoy !
Kyle, well done! sehr impressiv, i wish i could fly in from Australia for the house party - maybe on your 1 year anniversary. That'll give Kipling a chance to construct the red paperclip monument.
Oh man you did it! Remember to buy red paint for tomorrow, cuz there is free labour coming your way! Your project has been really inspiring and fun, wish you all the best on whatever you do next :) (maybe a oneredpaperclip museum?)
I've been folllowing your journey since last year but only just heard that you got the house when I heard it tonight on the evening news here in Australia. Congratulations!
Many, many congratulations!
Proof if proof were needed that you really can do anything if you put your mind to it. Inspirational stuff!
Hi Kyle,
Cool! You did it. Guess what? I just saw you on Thai TV. Yeah, you made it that far! It took me a while to explain to my wife what the hell you just did.
I actually was on your website a couple months ago. Can't remember how I made it there but tonight is a repeat. It's a small connected world! What can happen trough the net is amazing and you are the perfect example.
Wish I could make it to the party.
Good luck
Tierry (Bangkok, Thailand and originatly from Victoriaville, Que)
Congratulatons Kyle,
Read about your journey in newspaper here in NC. Great thought and greater determination.
Is anything else in the making?
C. Oxford
And I just saw you on tv in Japan. I had to go to the website to find out about it, cause even living here, I don't know what they were saying! (they dubbed over your voice) But it sure looked cool!
Congrats! You are a visionary!
Now here is an idea for you...
How about having Rawnie and Corinna continue the tradition on July 12th by offering the red paperclip back up for grabs.
Hey Kyle, congratulations on achieving your goal. I have been keeping track of your journey in creative capitalism since mid -April. My wife and friends and students here in Japan have all been keenly interested in how it would all turn out. We're all extremely happy that you got a home of your own.
I hope that you can find a way to continue the adventure.
Best of luck in the future.
Haha! That's great Kyle!
Even better, I found your blog about 8 onths ago and then forgot to check up on it. Now 8 monts later on the local Radio Station in GERMANY <_< they mentioned you'd won.
Have fun in your new domicile!
Tell me that you're going to try out for the movie role. You've got to!
Y'all just rock! This is the coolest story ever!! Can't wait to see the house painted red...will you barter for that little chore? If I were sure we'd have a place to sleep, I swear we'd drive up from Texas. Congrats to you both!!!
Wow! Congrats! I just learned about your quest. If you've asked me a year ago I would day that this is impossible. but you proved many people wrong. This is awesome!
Magda from Poznan, Poland
Hi Kyle,
Congratulations from Denmark. I've been following your quest for a while now and I am truly happy that you have succeeded..!
Congrats from the made it dude!
Don't stop until you get the Space Shuttle.
One red paperclip got you all the way to a house! I'm so impressed!
By the way, I sent you the newspaper article a while back and I never got the patch!
-Justus Goldstein-Shirley
September long weekend? You realize there could be a whole pile o' Blue Bomber fans making a small detour off the #1 and stopping in, right? ;-)
I literally fell into your info while signing into my yahoo account. I must say that this is the most amazing story I have ever heard. I swear that this shows the ingenuity of the human race to perfection. Congrats on your accomplishment!.
K.P., San Diego, CA
Congratulations Kyle!
It's so nice to read a happy news story for once! Your tale is quite amazing. Good luck with the new house, your party, the auditions etc. :)
I would love to see the biggest red paperclip in the world, I'll make a roadtrip someday!
Hi Kyle i live in Lithuania even our local news reported your trade your becoming famous for your idea i wish u luck maybie one day you will trade something not only in North America but world wide ;) i wish you luck smartass ^^
AMAZING! I had forgot about you and your quest (I read about it when you had received the rental in Phoenix) until it popped up on my Yahoo home page this morning.
Congratulations! I love when stuff like this happens.
Congratulations, Kyle! You are one of the few people who truly understands the old Web 1.0 cliche, "harnessing the power of the Internet."
Now, want to trade that house for the right to name our NYC improv group?
Kipling is a short hop, skip and jump from where I live. Just to let y'all know - the Coop is the best place for groceries. And bring Mosquito spray and sunscreen.
WOW dude i heard about you on Attack of the Show on G4TV. i heard how you traded that paperclip for a pen then on and on.
Now you have a house man you rock. you going to trade it for something else?
tell us.
I just heard about this project from my mom who sent me a link to your site because, well, I was raised in Kipling and my parents still live there.
FYI Kipling is only 1.5 hrs east of Regina, has a campground and a golf course. It is also only 1/2 hr from a large provincial park with a huge campground and hotels, cabins etc... So anyone wanting to come to the party or auditions need not worry about a place to stay.
I hope to make it down for the party
awesome story man, it helped me get through an entire boring afternoon at work. whatever happened with the trip to yahk?
Just read about your incredible odyssey on Yahoo News, so let me be the 143rd here to congratulate you. As a blogger, myself, I'm glad that another one of us made good.
Best of luck to you and your girlfriend.
Wow, I'm from NY living in Paris France for many many too many years, and just read about you, and I spent ten minutes translating your story for my husband (into French) and he sits back down on our couch to fold the laundry and then yells over to me, in French, "don't need you to do the translations, he's on the French news, your friend with the paper clip" -- well something like that. Awesome story and congrats...I know, too many run on sentences but it's so emotional...
Your'e the man!!
Kyle, you came up with a genious idea and you made it through geniously!!
Congradulation on your house, you have achieve your goal!!
Bravo, félicitation!!
dude, you are freakin' awesome
Well done young man. I had read about your venture a little while back and it ended at the point where you had secured a house rent free in Arizona for a year. And I thought, way to go!
But I lost track. This past Sunday (July 9) I had three of my kids over to dinner along with their SO's and spouses and your project came up. One of them reported that you had made it! So you turned up today on the Yahoo Newswires and I read about your success. I guess I didn't realize you had a blog to follow but googling did the trick. I'm glad I didn't read the part about the Alice Cooper snow globe of I would have lost heart. How you pulled that one off I'll never know. But hey, you got the job done. Congratulations to you!
Joe from Wilmington (DE not NC)
If only I could fly up there to see it all unfold, but I guess that's what the news and this web page are for.
Keep us all posted on the biggest housewarming...
So had you as a 'featured article' and I've pretty much spent the entire day reading the travels of the one red paperclip. I have to say it's inspiring.
Cheers to you…from Omaha, NE, USA
Good work! I started out from Montreal with a backpack and $100 and now 20 years later I own a nice house in California. Your house would be worth a lot here if you could just move it! Congratulations!
Congratulations Kyle good job.
I can't believe you didn't take my offer!
good luck in kipling!
just ran through Sask. on holidays...enjoy.
Way to go. Knew you had it cracked when you bagged the snow globe.
Since its the Town of Kipling that swapped the house perhaps it would be more fitting if the Town appeared in the film though flying it over would be a slight logistical problem.
Perhaps theyy could swap something for a fleet of Antonov's?
That is so awesome.
I have been following your journey off and on since I saw it on tv a while back. I hadn't heard anything for a while and I had sort of forgotten about your little project. That is, until I saw the front page of the newspaper this morning!
Surprising how you ended up here in Saskatchewan of all places. I never thought you would be able to do it. But we are very generous here in Saskatchewan and I hope you will love the quiet life (extra quiet life since you are going to be living in Kipling) my province has to offer.
I would love to go to your "Biggest Saskatchewan housewarming party EVER", but I don't think I'll be able to afford the gas for a 9 hour+ road trip lol.
Congratulations once again and welcome to Saskatchewan,
A fellow Saskatchewanian
Un-F'ing real & Brilliant too, I think ; )
Hey Kyle
Congrats on the the house in Saskatchewan, your gonna love it here. I am from a small town not too far away, called Bienfait. I might just have to make the trip up to Kipling for Labour Day.
P.S. Did you know there is actually a town called Kyle in Saskatchewan?...too bad you didn't get a house there.
Congratulation you amazing one! =)
Who knew Barter Trade would becom so lucrative...
Nothing is impossible they say!
Cheers all the way from Singapore,
Averil =)
Congratulations! That's so awesome!! I've been following your journey since I saw you on Japanese TV show. To be honest with you, at first I never beleived it would happen..."trade one paperclip for a house? no way!"
but you made it in a year. you rock!
so cool! again, Congratulations!!
you should keep trading until you get you house on an island
Hello Kyle
I'm Julia from Holland and I want to tell you that you were one TV here yesterday telling about that house and I saw you on stage with:
(Was it Alice Cooper?)
Congratulations with this succes !! :)
next challenge: trade a house for a country
today is the official day, congrats!!!!
damn thats a hot offer, i think mayor for the day would rock!
i'm sickened by your commitment, i wish i wasnt so lazy! lol
Good literature
Honek funtzionatzen al dik?
Awesome, I think you should keep going and see how far you can go. Surely you can keep going. Damn, a house, and all for one red paperclip...
Dude, just seen you on Beyond Tomorrow on Australian TV - AMAZING!! Fair play to you mate and congratulations. You gonna swap the house on Main Street for the one in Australia??
All the best - Wozza
I saw your story at the news yesterday. Therefore I went to your website to see the whole story. I must say...GOOD JOOB and Congratulations with the house.
It's been fun to read your story.
Well done with the snow globe.
Me, Norway.
How on earth did you manage to do this, it is incredible, it's mind blowing, you are an inspiration to the world. WOW!, i mean, WOW!, it's just...WOW!
By the way, who ever has that red paperclip is probably going to be a bit richer by the end of all this. WOW!
Hey Kyle, This news is so cool!!! Have been aware of your quest for awhile, but just checked back. So far this week you have been on Local news here in South Aussie, and I just watched you on "Beyond Tomorrow". Pity you didn't get "the Castle", we could use ingenuity like that down here. Doesn't matter, it's way cool that you got a house. Canada is lovely place by the looks of it.
I knew you would finally get there in the end. it shows that money really isn't that important. just think your famous, everyone across the world knows ur journey.
cool and congrats from jasmine all the way down in Australia
You are a very clever man Kyle!
Fantastic Kyle.
What a story. You're now on worldwide news!!
I, and everyone I've spoke to admires you.
Great Stuff!!!!
Have a good party!
Yeah mate, good onya. Saw ya on the tellie on the back of me ute. You were on the arvo news, which goes around all of Aus. Me and me sheila think you're bloody awesome.
Wow! This whole thing is insane! I don't believe I would be able to get a fish pen from a papper clip, not to mention a house! Congradulations and enjoy your party. So what do you want for the house?
I have a blue paperclip - you can have it for a bottle of Canadian wine!
Vraiment très impressionnant !
Tu es finalement parvenu à tes fins, et avec panache !
I wish you much pleasure and fun in your new house... Now you got a nice story to tell ! Don't you think you could initiate a movement worldwide ?
Someone's something to give...
hey... if you trade the house for two paper clips, you will have doubled your investment! Someone over at Slashdot made that joke ;) Anyways. I'm a Vancouverite living in NJ. I wish I'd thought of this myself, congrats!
Can't believe I only heard about your site today! I've gone from red paperclip to house in one day! Hope the house is brilliant & you guys have a great party tonight!
Hi Kyle,
Even here in the Netherlands word of you is spread.
You're a fine af example of the phrase:
Where there's a will, there's a way!
Congratulations on your achievement!
Peter Nap
The Netherlands
Sweet I live like 40 min away from there, this party should be a blast!!!
Holy Crap.
I was reading on line, in the Australian paper - The Age - your story and I thought what the ?
Well done to you. Serioulsy, this quite bizare and something totally unique.
I was completely inthralled, and stayed up to 2 in the morning reading your whole web site blog entries. Come to Australia and try it out here. Maybe you could be the first red paper clip trader who actually gets the house on the Island. We have many Islands off the coast of Aussie Land. Not to mention alot more space.
I saw this on the news(BBC1)yesterday. A fantastic achievement.....wonder if it would work over here in England...? There are lots of people that I know in the North East, who like me, cannot get onto the property ladder. Good wage for our area but outpriced because of the recent property rises. My rented home has gone from 60K to 180K so with an annual wage of 19K (which is good for this area!), you can only get a mortgage for around 50K to 90K. You do the sums.
We have a guy on the BBC 'Leave it to Levy'....that tries to help the under dog but he can't perform miracles for an entire county.
Enjoy your good fortune....
Yorkshire Girl
This is the first I've heard of you and your story and I have to say, what an accomplishment! I am truly impressed! Now I need to start at the beginning and see just how you did it!
Kyle, I think that you've got more than a house for your paperclip. Something more precious. You've found a community. The people from Kipling are great.
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