Awkward Pause

This was in my inbox today. awkward pause - box and paperclip - hold me To see and hear more random radness by Port Moody's finest expat blogger/musician/cartoonist/guy, go to Hey, Colin just bought a house last week....hmmm. Anybody else thinking what I'm thinking?


mickey the wicked said...

woah that story is so cool

Colleen MacDonald said...

Colin's cartoon is just fantastic. I think it is amazing that you two have this connection. Fun, huh?

Diary of a Ghost said...

What a creative blog!

Why have you decided to call it "One Red Paperclip"? That is to say, what does a red paper clip have to do with barter?

I was just wondering...

Anyhow, I would like to tell pj that I am interested in trading my right kneecap for his arm.

It's a very pretty kneecap.

Thank you for your time and creative thoughts, One Red Paperclip.

Livia said...

try reading the rest of the blog...

Diary of a Ghost said...
What a creative blog!

Why have you decided to call it "One Red Paperclip"? That is to say, what does a red paper clip have to do with barter?