
nine mile

I got an email from a guy named D'ari waaaay back in December. He saw me on CNN and fired off an email to say I could crash at his place in Toronto anytime, which is a pretty much the best way to ever meet somebody and score a free place to stay. D'ari's in a band called Nine Mile and I met up with them tonight here in Vancouver. I have to admit I've neve been much of a surf rock/reggae fan (Jack Johnson et al.) always been sort of a punk/old school rap kinda guy. But Nine Mile are really really good. And I'm not just saying that because they scored me a free t-shirt. They're definitely the kind of crew that could nudge me towards the acoustic mellow listening section. I got the same vibe from Dari as I did when I met up with Nirvan of the 1 second film in L.A. last month. D'ari's got an almost surreal persona of being totally driven towards his creative idea. It's like he's already totally famous for his art and that the world is just about to wake up and notice. I have the feeling that, like Nirvan, he's in the middle of something poised to explode. Keep an eye on Nine Mile, and get out to see one of their shows! Nine Mile has upcoming shows with Matt York in Western Canada, and they play TONIGHT (Friday Feb 24th)in Vancouver at Altitudes on Grouse Mountain. Go check them out, and tell D'ari that Kyle the one red paperclip guy sent you! You can see their full tour schedule at their website: ..or their MySpace: Hmmmm....maybe Nine Mile can play the housewarming this summer...(fingers crossed - until I get the house that is.) later kyle

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    hey kyle,
    kitch here, one of nine's tour managers you chilled with that nite in van. Just stoppin in to wish you the best on your mission brother. Your a determined, bright spirit, and i know our whole crew enjoyed meetin you. Hope we cross paths again along this crazy journy we travel on.
