
one year of blogging

One year ago today, January 24 2005, I went down to a photocopy place here in Montreal and printed up some 'books'. These books were filled with some of my short stories. The 'books' were printed up and I proceeded to hawk them on the sidewalk. I sold my first book for thirteen cents. Well, more like I convinced two Aussies to give me anything, just to make a sale - and they emptied out their pockets to make it happen. (I think they gave me pocket lint too, totally free.) But the fact remains, I sold them a book, loss or not. I managed to make a very slight profit that night and when I came home I put the thirteen cents up on the top of my computer monitor as a token of good luck, and a reminder that if I ever planned to make it as a writer, maybe hawking literature on the sidewalks of Montreal isn't the best way to go about it. I wrote a blog entry that night. It was my first blog entry ever. You can read it here. A lot of stuff has happened since that first blog entry, but I'm just as proud of those thirteen cents as anything else that's happend along the way. I kind of think of those thirteen cents as another form of one red paperclip. If I hadn't started small, and thought big, none of this would have happened. Tomorrow, I'm driving the cube van to New York to appear on ABC News. Should be fun, Talk to you soon, Kyle


  1. sup y0.
    I saw you on G4 and must say I am very impressed with how far you got. I may just try the same thing the next time I find one coloured office supply on my desk. I wish I had something as good as a cube truck to offer you, but I do wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you on ABC tomorrow!

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    good luck on ABC

  3. You are brilliant -- this is a great concept. Keep kicking ass (and taking names).


  4. definitely a genius idea! good luck

  5. funny how that works. i posted on my blog and, after reviewing it, i started flipping through random blogs and yours came up and this is one really long sentance but i thought i should tell you that seeing a good writer make it, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. im up to about 22,000 words in mine and i can only hope i have the good luck you did, not saying that it was all luck because i understand what a bitch it really is to get writings published. come visit my blog sometime and we can compare notes. ps the cube van scares me. i could offer you a set of pastel gel pens and one bitchy kitty cat.
    ppss.. my unique word verification word i had to type in to post this was FCUIUR what language is that?

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Nice blog
    Never miss a headline

  7. Writing is a tough business. Depends on what you write too. Good luck with those books.

  8. :) I been reading this blog for a while, google finally picked up on it and added it to the front page.

    Congrats! I really like the idea!

    Bathroom Review

  9. Very interesting concept! I love it!!

    Great blog.

  10. Very interesting blog! You are on blogger's homepage, featured on "Blogs of Note" Keep up the great work, wishing you all the very best!

    Much luck and I'll be baaack.. :)

  11. Anonymous1:50 AM

    congrats :)

  12. congrats :-)

    vw: czvjkgbm (man, that makes my eyes hazy)

  13. Your success makes me smile and inspires me!

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Heard on George's show last night that they will be in Yahk in February. Looking forward to the show....

  15. wow. i happened upon your blog simply by clicking 'next blog.' i hope you get a house. shit-- i hope i get a house. good luck!

  16. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What a fun idea! Best wishes

  17. i love your story. i love the "13 cent" things in our lives.

    i found your blog because as i was signing into my blog, i have a one red paperclip on my index finger as i was holding the mouse. then "one red paperclip" was posted as a blog to read or something, so i clicked on it, i had to.

    best of luck to you.

  18. Congrats on your one year of posting! :-)
