
one cube van

Click on the link below to get the book about the entire adventure!

I got a call from Bruno at Cintas the other day. He saw me wearing my Ricky/Cintas shirt on the cover of 'Le Journal de Montreal' and immediately wanted to be part of the project. Bruno offered one cube van for the trip to Yahk.


I accepted his offer. I now have one cube van.

-1995 Ford Cube Van.
-7.3 LTR Diesel engine
-16ft box
-203,688 miles (328,000 KM )
-It is awesome

It is totally tuned up and ready to go. I will drive the cube van ANYWHERE in North America for the right offer. You will not have to pay ANY of the transport cost to get the cube van to wherever you are - delivery is included. The Cintas logos will be taken off before I hand over the van. I will wash the cube van. I will even buy you a new air freshener...the scent of your choice.

Click here to see what I 
swapped for the cube van. 


  1. sweet!
    you could fit alot of corey hart memorabilia in that cube!

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Haha i just seen this on G4 with you on it.....that is great how you did that.....that is the best idea ever

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    i will give you a breif case with a smaller breif cace in it!!!

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I offer you my stephen king biography that is due tommorow. And it is also going to be used for a speech.

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I got the brifcase with the question mark! and it fits in another one! and tis Black!!!

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    This is insane. :P. I cannot beleive from one red paper clip worth about 1 cent that you got a one cube van worth... well a lot more than that. Well done. I have nothing to offer you but I just thought I'd comment. I also found this site on G4.

  7. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I will offer you One Paper Bag filled with Pepsi Cans, lol, u r getting a great deal with all of these trades

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I will give you up to 300 pounds of alreaddy popped popcorn.

  9. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I offer you my personal computer for your cube van! It's quite fast (athlon XP 2ghz, 2gig of ram, 80G HD), offer will include a 15" LCD monitor, a DVD burner, keyboard, mouse, and speakers.

  10. hey ill trade a 1943 silver pinny for something anyone want to trade email or IM/PM me. o and ill trade it for the cube van to if you will trade??

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I Will trade you a 1920 bank safe owned by Henry T Ford and an old dukes of hazzard t.v. tray from 1980 both old and worth alot. tuscumbia alabama anybody want to trade for it call 256- 383-3383 Leons Auto Repair

  12. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I don't know about this. The trip to mexico was pretty sweet. A well used cube vane that is over 10 years old? I just don't know. Well, I'm sure you'll get plenty of offers on it. Good luck!

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Maybe Annie, the lady who want to rid of her Mercedes, will call you again soon :D

  14. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I'll give you an xbox, a ps2 with 8 games, a pack of ciggarettes, a 400 dollar leather coat, a space heater, a compoisite hunting bow with ajustable 89lb draw wieght, a 16 inch color tv and bostan micromedia systems speakers with a subwoofer.

  15. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Oh and my email address is

  16. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Oh and a 1903 penny with a indian on the front and wheat on the back

  17. Anonymous12:55 PM

    i got a 1992 astro van, its really nice, it has no windows, so if you want ill show you how to ride in stye. oh and ill trade you a perfectly good weight set, that comes with a 45 pound bar, 135 pounds of weights, a curl bar, and ill throw in a free sangre t-shirt and show tickets for one show, cause im there roadie. and if you want ill trhow in some sliced cheese.

  18. Anonymous12:57 PM

    oh i forgot to mention it does come with a work out bench to, i just didnt know if you thought that it came with that or not cause it does.

  19. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Ill trade you a trip to disney world for the cube van.

  20. Anonymous1:16 PM

    a Topps Star Wars trading card from 1977 (yellow card) #187 "Threepio and friend".
    This card was mis-cut by the factory. The top part of C3-PO's head is chopped off and the bottom of the card has a portion of card #188 (i persume) showing.

  21. Anonymous1:25 PM

    i will give you a trailor house it is 80x20 feet it is a 2000 model the interior is pretty nice it has a blue kitchen with dishwasher it still is on wheels so you can move it. my email is

  22. Anonymous1:52 PM

    ill trade u a bag of nails and 5 bucks

  23. Anonymous3:45 PM

    U are a freaking genius!!!

  24. Anonymous3:53 PM

    i'mm offer you a pool table. Machanical,

  25. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Come on xbox 360 AND ps2 with quite a few games!

  26. Hey I want to be a trader you want 500 sign me up.

  27. Anonymous10:39 AM

    oh i forgot to put my e-mail, its

  28. Anonymous3:30 PM

    i think you have a great idea. i really hope you get a house out of it all. steph

  29. Anonymous7:08 PM

    i would like to offer you a smal human brain, 2 hacky sacks, a couch, a hammer, a small italian plumber and 6 and a half short norwegian men

  30. Anonymous7:15 PM

    do you realize how much partiful road trip you can get out of a cube van?? that's like a free one-way ticket to awesomesville!

  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I will offer 1 Pumpkin finger pupet for your 1 cube van

  32. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Man! some of these offers are wierd...kudos to your patience!
    Go for the trailer home...80 X 20 is a pretty decent one, and if it's got a're set!

  33. Rock On, Dude!!!!!!!

  34. Anonymous7:25 PM

    great idea... who wants a piece of paper?

  35. Anonymous7:26 PM

    take the trailer house

  36. Anonymous11:49 AM

    203 thousand miles on a diesel engine means it's just barely broken in! Tuned up with proper care and a diesel will run damn near forever. Rutine maintenance, proper care and intelligent driving can make the van run for many many thousand miles more.

    p.s. Intelligent driving is something that the majority of drivers don't know how to do. This includes using the turn signals you purchased with your vehicle, yes my friends, those pretty flashy lights that go on and off to show other drivers that you intend to make a turn, are not on your vehicle just for the red lenses. USE them. maybe you'll live long enough to have kids (one can hope not).


  37. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Here's an idea: Use the van to move people's stuff- they pay the gas costs, and you get an item from them in return to barter online. You'll get several more items to barter or eventually SELL (I know that defeats the idea of cheating Revenue Canada, but it will be worth it in the end). Then again, you just might get enough stuff to trade for a house.

  38. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I offer you the right to become the president of Honduras. Not guaranteed , but you can get the right through me.

  39. Anonymous3:40 PM

    hey,what a wonderful idea. Too bad everyone will catch on, and do the same. I think personally the mobile home is a great trade, If i were u i'd atleast look into it! Great Job! "Nothing" to trade only "Salvation!"

  40. Anonymous4:51 PM

    this is a great idea! I just saw you on G$! Anyone want a House?!?!?! Seriously! I'm willing to trade a house.....for me if you want it!

  41. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I meant G4....not G$...>.>...

  42. Anonymous4:53 PM

    i will trade you my virginity :D

  43. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I'll trade you my roomate. He has no job but somehow pays all his bills. He's a college graduated in art, yeah, you can major in art. He also rides his bike. That's about it, but I'm sure a living human being is worth more than a van.
    my email:

  44. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I'll trade you my soul with an over sized question mark on it.

  45. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I'll trade you one red paper clip.

  46. Anonymous6:53 AM

    ill trade you a pre-alpha releast of altimit os i built.


  47. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Great idea, i saw it on G4, and well, if u do get that house, you are one smart dood! Hell, even with the cube van, still, one smart dood... I should take ur idea to get the t.v. i want instead of waiting for my taxes...

  48. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Dude, I saw you on g4, and, maybe its cuz I'm stoned, but, that van is freakin sweet. I'll give you my couch for it...or my toasterover...

  49. Anonymous12:48 PM

    i'll give you a babushka brief case with a big question mark

  50. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I'll trade you two trips to Yahk for your Van.

  51. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I'll give you my autograph for the cube van i'll be famous some day this is the best friggin offer only 1 of my autographs exists in the world if your intrested email me at

  52. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I'll trade you a red paperclip.

  53. Anonymous1:08 PM

    i'll trade u for a pink great

  54. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I will trade u 1 Pink Floyd Umaguma Vinal record!

  55. Anonymous2:26 PM

    i will offer you one of my sisters condos. she owns a chain and i live in one. i need a new van neway. hope youll consider.


  56. Anonymous3:54 PM

    i wi need that van baaad, how about 2 paperclips, a blue one AND a red one...

  57. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I'd go w/ Brooke's virginity XD

  58. Anonymous5:05 PM

    This is President Bush. I am prepared to offer you the beautiful country of America. Play your cards right and I'll give you Condaleeza Rice as well.

  59. Anonymous5:19 PM

    one old snowboard

  60. Anonymous7:53 PM

    man i saw you on G4 earlier today, i think this is awesome, and i fully support you...i dont have anything to offer, but its pretty awesome what youre doin here man

  61. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I will give u 2 briefcases full of SIGNATURE nudie magazines

  62. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I will trade you my moon house!

  63. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I will trade you a briefcase with a smaller briefcase inside, the smaller briefcase has a question mark sticker on it, and is filled with........SLICED! (yes, sliced) cheese! lol, saw it on G4

  64. Anonymous5:30 AM

    We need some pictures of Brooke.
    Gotta see just what the offer is on the table... Or under the table... or...
    Ah, go with the trailor or the condo.

  65. Anonymous11:13 AM

    G'day mate,

    Us folks in Australia caught up with your adventures around the time of the trip to Yahk.
    I'd wish you luck with your quest but you don't need it.
    It's not an if but a when. It's a given.
    Great initative, you should take on Donald Trump.
    Your bonza mate.

  66. Anonymous4:39 PM

    i will give you a 100 GRAND for your cube van. my e-mail is

  67. Anonymous9:12 PM

    This man is a genius. He is an envisionary for our entire race

  68. Anonymous5:53 AM

    i will give you tim conolly's humour and my never ending respect. plus tims soul. it is a good soul. i ill also let you be round housed by chuck norris who is related to a frined of mine and we play poker every second wednesday night. AND ONE GMAIL ACOOUNT!!! and a chocolate bar of your chosing. and Jon prevosts sole which i actually do own.

    this is a limited time offer. tim will

  69. Anonymous9:32 AM

    i will trade you eggs and a peice of bacon

  70. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I will trade you a vacant lot in oil rich Alberta, ready for a mobile home

  71. Anonymous3:24 PM

    hey ummmm this is a strech but ill give you a house on cherry drive off of tick ave in thorold south ontaro near niagara falls

  72. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Ill trade you one red paper clip for that cube van

  73. Anonymous5:41 PM

    A friend alerted me to this--I think it's a fantastic idea. Can't offer you anything for the van, but I love the entertainment value of the site.

  74. Anonymous7:02 PM

    wats brookes last name?

  75. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hmmm..there are some attractive offers. Personally, I'd trade the van for either the trailer or the lot in Alberta...You could probably convince some poor redneck to trade you something good for that scrap of land...

  76. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Ill trade you three red paperclips.

  77. Anonymous9:38 PM

    ill give u a blue paperclip

  78. Anonymous12:03 PM

    hoe about a package of paper clips

  79. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'll trade you one V.I.P. evening at Christie's Cabaret in Cleveland Ohio. Oh Yeah !!!!

  80. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I will trade you a 1996 Chevy Camaro, and a 1990 VW Jetta GLI, and a 1988 Honda XR 100 dirtbike...

  81. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Hey i think ur idea, wether it be by mere stupidity or by actual planningdoesnt matter, i have nothin to offer and im not goin to say something stupid either. But i think u just put ebay out of buisness. If i was you i wiould wate because of the offers you have i dont think any of them r worth ur cube van. You can throw moving parties. Well i will leave you alone now i i hope that ur dream comes to reality and u get a house.

  82. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I'll rip the Five Roses sign off the silos and get the letters to you for the truck.

  83. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I will offer you a 1 year membership to for that cube van!

  84. Anonymous1:27 PM

    You should take the trailer house! that is a good trade for a cube van

  85. Anonymous1:30 PM

    ill trade two blue paperclips. but seriously, do the 55 inch tv and xbox thing.

  86. Anonymous3:13 PM

    go red paper clip go!

  87. Anonymous3:13 PM

    go red paper clip go!

  88. Anonymous4:02 PM

    dood this is a great idea! i hav no offers 4 u, but i suggest u take the trailer, condo, or the 100 grand. america would b pretty sweet 2 lol. hope u get the house u want! good luck!!
    ps~ if u get america,may b bush will give u white house!

  89. Anonymous4:29 PM

    someone already offered him a house gg no re

  90. I'll trade you a weekend in NYC for the cube van--Maybe ;)

  91. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I will give yuu all sorts of dozy comments with bad spellies for yer websight... oh crap, someone already gave that to you.

  92. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I'll trade you a golf cart or a moped for your van.

  93. You know you could convert the cube truck into a home. Some lofts in manhattan are smaller :)

    Bathroom Review

  94. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I offer you a PS1, PS2, and NGC, all with games contollers, and memory cards. As well as a GBA, and stereo. My email is

  95. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Ok to the guy who offereed his traid of the PS1 and crap. I have all of that and more....I would trade more if he accualy wanted to but dude hes not going to trade a moving van for a couple of old game systems you litle retard.

    Thanks for your time!

    Your Mom

  96. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Forget the house - keep going 'til you own Microsoft!

  97. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I'd look seriously at the vacant lot in Alberta. It will come with a royalty check from their petro-bucks... gotta do it soon though.
    The van looks nice...good luck Kyle.
    Ken Beyer
    Signs That Work !

  98. take the trailer-one step closer to a real house.

  99. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I offer you one red balloon.

  100. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Man! You're a genius!!! found your site by accident. Hope you're not far away from your house!

  101. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I think you will have the house in 3 months. It will just be trades for better houses.

    Freakin awesome idea.

  102. Anonymous2:02 PM

    i ate a big red paperclip!

  103. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I heard about you on radio jackie in south west london. ENGLAND.nuthin to trade,but keep up the good work. good luck.

  104. Wow! The last time I checked in, you were at a generator, which I wasn't too impressed by. I mean, a paperclip for a generator is awesome, but I could foresee someone getting a generator for free anyway. But now you're up to a moving van! Holy frickin' crap! That is intense, and wicked cool, and kudos to you!

  105. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Dude, That is way cool!

  106. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Dude i saw you on G4 hecka long ago, i finally got here. That is so cool, i think i should try it with a piece of paper!!!!!!

  107. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Good job Dude ... best wishes on getting that house!

  108. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Right-on Kyle!

  109. This is pure genius! Damn, I hope you get your house! If you do?....make your mailbox look like a red-paperclip!

  110. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Good's so crazy it just might work.

  111. Anonymous7:01 PM

    LoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoL foonay Good luck

  112. this is amazing...i'm just finding out about your best friend is teaching about you in her english class.

  113. Anonymous9:05 PM

    This is so cool what you are doing. i commend you and nice trade for the Cintas truck. I can't beleive they let him trade it like that. keep up the good work and good luck on the house.

  114. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Ill trade you the house for my virginity

  115. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I saw your site on 7 news and thought i would pop by to say hi, how did u start and how did u get so many people on your site, what do you do?
    Please get back to me by leaving a comment on my site or email me on i am only 13 years old but i am interested how this site works,
    Have a great day,

  116. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Just reading through your site, I saw something about you on BBC News 24 and had to visit ;)

    Some crazy offers you got too :)
