
Podtastic Funtential

Yes, I'm very interested in appearing on your podcast, no matter how small, or big! home: 514-448-2678 cell: 514-833-3980 skype ID: kylemacmac Call me *ANYTIME *(I live in Montreal, Canada - click here for the current time of day in Montreal. If you wake my girlfriend up and she's angry it'll be your fault! You can deal with her! - Now that I think about it, it might make for an interesting podcast.) I've also got a pretty sweet long-distance plan, so if you'd like me to call you to keep your phone charges down, I can probably help you out. If you'd like to contact me first via email: You can also use audio clips from my podcast if you'd like: This site is getting thousands of visitors every day and I'd be more than happy to link to your podcast here and on the press page. I'll even write a blog entry about it! We can chat about anything you like! one red paperclip, trading, fun, podcasting, ninjas...anything. Podcasts I've appeared on: Dec 8 - The Chris Pirillo Show Dec 6 - The Unsigned Podcast Network - Paul Puri Dec 4- The Kurt Copeland Show - Kurt Copeland Dec 3 - The Sound of Young America - Jesse Thorn


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Hey! The Sound of Young America's a radio show, too! An award winning one, no less!

  2. You should make your phonenumbers skype links like this callto://kylemacmac (just a link with a href and so on, I can't do it here in the comment)
