
Offers for one instant party

Send your trade offer here: ********** Please post a comment at the bottom of this page to say which one I should take! ********** The deadline for trade offers for 'one instant party' is Dec 1st, but if someone makes me a time-sensitive offer I can’t refuse, I’ll have to, well, not refuse. ********** There are a few offers in different languages here too, to get the most out of 'em, copy/past the text into google translate ********** OFFERS: Hey man How about 2 used fridges and 2 used dishwashers? We just bought a house that had 2 of each that came with it but we already had one of of our own! They are working fine and in great condition, we just don’t need three of each!!! I am a big Bud fan so I would be very interested in your current stuff! Let me know and good luck! I hope you get your house by next summer! Nelson Julien Later! ********** Bonjour Kyle Nous avons lu votre histoire dans le journal de Montréal ce matin. Nous travaillons à la station de radio 98,5fm de Montréal. Notre animateur-vedette Michel Barrette a une proposition d’échange pour vous : Sa motoneige Bombardier Mac 1 1991, remise à neuf. Pour tous les québécois, elle a une valeur ajoutée puisqu’elle a appartenu à un Célèbre humoriste et comédien de chez nous. Pensez-y!!! Bien à vous Josée Bournival ***This is pretty awesome. This is an offer for a SNOWMOBILE!! Michel Barrette is a well known celebrity in Quebec. This is offer is going to be VERY HARD to refuse.*** ********** Sympa ton histoire ! Je t'offre un ballon de soccer officiel de la Ligue de soccer élite du Québec. Good Luck ! Marc-André Lord Commissaire Ligue de Soccer Élite du Québec ********** Okay jai quelques choix pour toi...Une collection de cartes (d hockey) O-Pee-Chee 2003 les amateur en raffole elle sont placée pas fiche numeroté comprend la carte de mario lemieux lors de sa premiere saison dans la ligne national de hockey (sa vaux asser cher merci!) ou Une vielle collection de 45 tour qui valle po mal chere mais je te conseil les cartes d hockey tu risque de faire plus furreur avec! N échange pas se baril et cette ensaigne avec neon sans m avoir dit si t es daccord pcq sinon je vais regarder! Good luck! Pierrot ********* I found your site today and I was slightly surprised to find norwegians all over the frontpage. Pleasantly surprised, of course. So i wished I had something to trade you for, and I just couldn't think of anything all day. Until now(which is laaate afternoon over here)! Suddenly, it hit me like a brick in the head except far less painfull!! Ok, follow this: Norway is a quite expensive country. Living expences, and hotels in particular, are in no way an exception to this. So, for anyone wanting to come to Norway on a holiday, living expences would claim big shares of their budget. I therefore hereby offer: 1 weeks stay in my apartement for absolutely free and I will even cook breakfast and function as a taxi to/from airport. I might even be talked into doing a bit of guiding. Preferably, this stay would be sometime after 01.06.2007 since the apartement I have bought will be finished (as in built) on this date, but if nescessary, staying in my rental apartment might also be worked out. (I might add that I am a 24 year old girl, no weird habits or odd behaviour. I also shower regularly and clean my apartement with somewhat regular intervals.) Now, this IS indeed a great offer. Not only would it take care of the sleeping-issue, also you would have a fot in with the locals :D Also, I must stress the fact that this is also a great deal for mr.paperclip personally, as I would like to throw the instant-party on New Years Eve, as me and my friends are currently looking for a new-years party, our regular one has cancelled this year. Also, a free holiday stay in Norway should be easy to trade. Lots of americans and german people come here every year. For the fjords I think. I have taken the liberty to list some of the advantages this offer would have for you personally. This would give you an oportunity to: 1. Visit Norway 2. Learn something "rad" in Norwegian 3. Party with Norwegians (we're great) 4. Bring your girlfriend on a romantic weekend to Norway (if you find new-years parties romantic) 5. I'll throw in my big fan as a personal gift(it's huge, it's as long as I am) (and I've nowhere to store it so I might aswell give it up. I cannot give it the home it deserves). I shall add that I have some experience with visiting canadians (actually, just visiting canadian, not plural) so I will be able to take care of you in the best way. I could say that the stay would be in one red house, but that would be a lie. However, my parents live in one, and I do love red so I own a lot of red stuff. Hopefully, you will be nice enough to save the day and our new years eveparty and all that, and give some lucky people the oportunity to come to Norway which they otherwise would not be able to afford and so on. Best of luck with future trading and obviously hoping to hear from you accepting my offer, Beate Sørum ********** Bonjour Kyle!Je m'appel Pierre-Michel Morais-Godin, je viens de Trois-Rivières... Oui Oui! Trois-Rivières, à 1h de Montréal!J'ai lu un article sur ton projet sur signé par Patrick Lagacé et j'ai trouvé ton idée excellente!Je n'ai pas grand chose à t'offrir à part un Lecteur Mini-Disc de Sony + des écouteurs Sony de qualité DJ.Je ne sais pas s'il est trop tard pour soumettre cette proposition pour le Keg Party mais saches, que ce serais grandement apprécié ...Je pourrai t'envoyer une photo du kit ce soir si tu es intéressé.Aussi, je tiens un blog ( et je vais faire un article concernant ton projet ce soir.Je ne peux pas tout de suite, je suis au travail ;)Bonne journée!Et bonne chance pour ton projet!Je te souhaite une belle maison! ********** Hi Kyle! I really hope that I will be the first Quebecer to do a trade with you. Because the winter is on his way, I am offering you 4 winter tires for the Budweiser sign. They are like brand new (Only a winter and a half). If it doesn’t work, let me congratulate you for your project and I really hope that you will achieve your deam. Yours truly, Guy Les pneus sont de la marque « Uniroyal » et la grandeur est 15 pouces. Pour vous donner une idée, je crois que je pourrais avoir 150-200$ pour les pneus si jamais je désirais de les vendre mais je suis tellement enchanté par votre idée que j’aime beaucoup mieux essayer de vous aider. Merci ! Guy ********** Hy Kyle! J'aurais un orgue à t'échanger contre ton "one instant party kit" Voici la photo de l'orgue en question.... Bonne chance!!! J'attend de tes nouvelles!!!! Patrice Trois-Rivieres, Quebec organ ********** Myself and my recenly single fan would LOVE to throwkeg party with you in DOWNTOWN Ottawa! The rockencapital of Canada!We are both single and beautiful and willing to party! ********* What up Kyle!? I think you're brilliant! I heard about your site this morning on the Ottawa radio station Hot 89.9 and had to smile! So I would like to help you on your way to a house and be the first participant from Ottawa by offering you a fully functioning Admiral KITCHEN STOVE! It's white, has the standard 4 elements and oven. My wife and I just bought a house in Ottawa and ended up with an extra stove. It's about 10 years old, but very well kept - note, this stove was just cleaned and is completely spic and span! But that's not all. Far from it my friend, I will also include a fully working Admiral dishwasher in the deal!! It's black, and ready to wash anything that can be thrown at it. I would be happy to trade for the instant party. I'm sure I can find a way to put it to good use! :) Let me know! Rick Ottawa. BTW, just to add to the fun factor, heres an idea for you. I can get a whole bunch of my fellow students to come out for an end of semester party, and I'm sure it would be a cinch to get the hot89.9 radio crew involved. More exposure for you, and more fun! It will surely cure the red paper clip 1.0 blues! Hmm, let's just keep this between you and me for now, don't let my wife know... yet! :) Getting creative, Rick ********** hey man,sweet site and good idea, what im from ottawa, i hear you on chez 106.1 onmy way to school and i thought id offer you about an ounceof excellent weed (28grams) a very good conditioned fan, some boxing gloves,a fake rolex that looks really really real, a bright yellow shiny shirt thatsays popcorn on the back, one year subscription to mad magazine, a nicleybuilt dog house, paintbal gun, and to stick around for the sweet party idhave if u traded me all that stuff haha. well think about it and send me andemail if yur interested or just to say u got this, have fun and hope yur trades turn out good. taker easy.-Eric ********** I don't have much to offer that would make it worth your while to comeall the way down here. But if you liked you could have my officemate. She's pretty hot and looking for someone right about now...But she might be fussy about who you could trade her on to.Good luck!Rachel from NZ. ********** Hi!Not really interested in the party, but if you trade the party for the snowblower, milkcan, and 8 52-in-1 NES cartridges, I'll trade you those items for a Sony camcorder. The camcorder could come in handy in filming your future trades and posting them on the net - though if you used it for that, you couldn't trade it! Tell you what, I'll throw in 3 gameboys (a gameboy, a gameboy advance, and a gameboy colour) with a bunch of games. That way you can trade the gameboys, and keep the video camera to film future trades! I think I might also have a video capture card, (I may have thrown it out) for transferring the videos to your computer.The Sony camcorder comes with tapes, two batteries, and all the cables you'd need. It comes in a nice sony camera bag.The snowblower has to work fairly well.Charles, in Toronto ********** I could offer one ceiling fan w/light (white w/gold trim) works fine. I'm in Illinois and if we trade I think we could do it on TV. I heard about you website on the morning news I watch and the newscaster said that if we could get you to trade w/someone local to call and maybe we could do in on air. The being on TV is not set in stone if you accept my offer for the ceiling fan I will make a few calls. Let me know what you think. Happy Trading!!! ********** I live in the Austin area and have lots to trade. I will just make a list and then we can talk… 2 gumball machines on one stand. One almost full of gum, the other less than half full of little rubber bouncy balls, takes 1 quarter 50 vhs movies, lots of good titles, 8+ Sin City comic books. I have a warehouse full of other stuff if this is not enough Rhy Rheinlander ********** 16 Pack of Charmin Toilet Paper. White. --Toilet paper is going to be very handy after the Instant Party, especially if it's filled with Bud. ********** Offer: One Non-denominational Instant Holiday Party: The Movie: I've been following your moves since the beginning. After seeing your latest trade, I felt I had to make an offer. I thought about for a few days but came up with nothing. I decided to return to the site where I first noticed the Red Paperclip,, to see what some popular barter items were for some ideas. There was one glarringly popular item that everybody seemed to be interested in on Craigslist. Fortunately for you though, I do not like to massage other men, nor do I want a massage, so Craiglsist served useless. As I was watching my 53" HDTV my friend called me to remind me of his Holiday Party in Philadelphia on December 17th. That's when I got an idea for a trade - "One Non-Denominational Instant Holiday Party: The Movie". I can tape the party thrown on December 17 from One-Instant Party and then trade my tv so you can re-live the party forever. Oh yeah, did I mention that I also have a 32" Sony TV that I bought off my friend for $150 bucks and that's the one I was talking about. Get your hands off my 53"er. Here's a picture of the tv. It's actually a Sharp and I'm not sure how big, 27-32" I'd guess. Eric 2005-11-23 tv ********** 1981 500ccdx Honda Motorcycle. No pictures , but paint is good. Battery needs charging every once in awhile and fork seals need replacing, but it still flies down the highway with plenty of funamation returns. Brian in the frozen northwest in boise idaho ********** Hey, my name is Ashley. I'm a law student at Florida State University. We are a drinking school with a football problem. So here is my proposal: My fellow law students and I are studying feverishly for out final exams, and we are very interested in the instant party. Honestly, we like to drink... and would be more than happy to have you join us as we celebrate the commencement of our first semester of law school. I am offering you one (possibly two) tickets to the Fiesta Bowl where Notre Dame will likely play. This offer is slightly premature, as the bowl games have not exactly been decided. But if you are interested in trading... and joining us for a good time please respond. Thank you! P.S. We are a hot mess... trust me, it would be fun! ********** I'd gladly trade you a gas-powered snowblower, a milk can (the kind they used to fill up from the farm), and a box of 8 52-in-1 NES cartridges with convertors (because they're the Japanese Famicom type) for your Instant Party. How about it? Cheers,MC ********** Ok, I'm going to make you an offer right now for the keg/neon sign: ONE BLANK DVD-R disc (no case or sleeve) Yup, that's it. Think about it, you can take a camcorder, make a film, and burn it onto this DVD and send it off to a movie house. Then you might be a famous director! P. Anderson. ********* I have a 5 gig iPOD. In California San jose. ********** I’ve been following your trading and it’s pretty interesting. I think I might have a good trade for your “one instant party”. My business partner and I run a web development company named Red Beard Development. We will trade you one domain name registration, a one page red beard designed website, and one year of hosting in exchange for your instant party. The hosting deal alone is worth $250 so that’s a step up right? My partner and I are ready to have a fun holiday party with our wives, you, and some friends. Let me know what you think about the “one red website”. Regards,Chris Shaw Director Red Beard Development, Inc. ********** I would like to offer one Mystery Box in trade for the Instant Party. ********** I would like to offer 1 Sword, 1 Dale EarnhardtCollectible of your choice minus my blanket, onecollectible Bowie Knife of General Robert E. Lee, and1 Sound Blaster Live Card, 1 56k external US Roboticsexternal USB Modem, and 1 boxed The South Will Riseagain Knife with wolf and rebel flag, Lighter withrebel Flag, never used. Let me know ********** First off….this is the coolest idea ever…my god…the only thing I could possibly give to trade would be friends and locations….I know that’s not going to get you a house…but you would meet loads of friends with free places to stay and new things to see…I, however offer a brand new…well basically, as I am a girl and don’t use this much…but a new X-box…with 5 great games included….Thats like $100 to your house goal…but, if not selected I am giving you kodos…for this and wish you the best… traveling from me includes multiple destinations in Texas, as I am living in Austin, NC and LA….now I am a super friendly person and know a lot of people…bands, groups, and mcs are all included in all of your travels and parties…my friends and I love music…I also have a huge friend group in Europe (even though you didn’t list that..its amazing)…so keep me in mind..and best wishes Xxx Jena *********** Hi there... I see that you're trying to barter a party here in Austin- I was wondering if you'd like to make that pot a little sweeter... add a little more funtential? I manage a musician here in Austin- his name is Kenneth Brian ( and he plays traditional roots/Americana music. I just spoke to him on the phone after reading your blog (actually, your ad on craigslist that brought me to your blog) and he said he'd play a party solo (acoustic) that had beer and a neon sign. And a bartender. If you're trying to barter here in Austin (its the Live Music Capitol of the World ya know) you should have some music! Why do we want to do this? Cause we are all for your cause. And we get a little more exposure (I won't lie). SO~ IF someone bites at your deal here in Texas (prefferably Austin), let them know we can have a local musician play thier party- that is if you're interested... Let me know, Jeannie ********** I have a 24 inch color tv i am willing to trade for the budwiser sign and remote too ********** Hi Kyle!!!Nice to hear from you!!!!!!! I missed you! Hope youare doing well. Still hope to and looking forward tomeeting you one day -when you come to Seattle and findtime. I am Sylvester Stallone's cousin so you will bein celebrity status. We live it up here and don't messaround about it!!!!!! I loved the part about yoursummer in France smashing grapes at the winery, Ienvied you for that wonderful experience. Anyway, avery close friend of mine here in Seattle is SammyDrain, who grew up in Seattle with -amazinglyenough...... Jimi Hendrix AND Bruce Lee!!!!! He has aband... one of the members is a sax player, none otherthan- amazingly enough, the only saxophone teacherthat Kenny G ever had!!!!! So anyway -I hope you willcall or write when you come to Seattle and we candazzle your socks off. Wash your feet buddy we will belooking at them pretty closely!!!!! (socksoff.......get it?) LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I sold my Lincoln Town Car Executive Presidentialstretch limo (with TV, DVD, 40 inch HDTV, Wet Bar,Satellite Dish, etc., ) to Sammy, but I have replacedit with the most gorgeous, awesome Mercedes-Benz, sowhen you arrive at the airport you will still bepicked up in style. I will look around the estatehere, and try to find something to trade for "one redpaperclip". Till Then.. Take Care...Peace.......TONY Hi KyleIts me again, Tony in Seattle.I am also a photographer (I wear many coats......mtcloset is so crammed I need four or fib=ve ofthem.........)I take great pictures anyway I thought I'd run it byyou so that when you are in Seattle if you want somegreat pics taken of you while you are here I am yourguy!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That is, If I am not busy doing something else thatweek!!!!So anyways I thought I'd mention that. Takecare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tony Hi Aagin Kyle...By the way ---I just wanted to add, that the "instantparty" they can offer you in Queens ain't nothin'comapred to the party that is waitin' for you here inSeattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE *Know how to party*!!! I have friends in New York,....also a lot of realatives,- being a Stallone,....and let me tell you....nobody in New York has gotnothin' on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tony ********** OK, I have an offer you can't about a dicast model of AIR FORCE ONE? ..... In addtion, I have 15 autographed photographs of celebrities ranging from Denis Quaid to Bill Gates to President Bush 41 and 43. ******** Send your trade offer here:


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    DUDE! You have to take the hot Florida law student chicks offer...forget the Fiesta bowl tickets, just think about what I'm writting here...drunk hot Florida Law student chicks. That's an instant party right there, seriously my man think about the DOPE possibilities!

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Although it's probably the most tempting, the problem with the FSU offer is that if you don't find a trade for those ticket(s) before Jan. 2, you're back to square one.

  3. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Gum ball machines! Gum ball machines!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    tv ipod

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Salut, Selon moi le meilleur trade qui te permetterait de te rapprocher de ton but, c'est-a-dire une maison, c'est la motorcycle! Une motocyclette 1981, c'est un peu comme une pièce de collection et c'est ce qui as le plus de value parmi toute les offre! Surtout allechant pour échanger pour meilleur et plus gros, tu doit bouger vite pour avoir ta maison! L'idée est super bonne, Bonne chance!

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    sil vous plai ferme le bouche.
