****The house is no longer for trade!****
It's now a cafe! Click here to read more.

That's right, Dom and I are trading the red paperclip house. With who? For what? Well that's where things get interesting:
We have no idea yet.
I'm not looking for anything in particular in exchange for the house, other than maybe several 1990 Burgundy Dodge Caravana with low miles. That aside, it would be great to trade with somebody who:
-Plans to live or operate a business in the house.
-Understands the house is a tourist attraction in Kipling, and important to the community.
-Also, if you know who these guys are, it will come in handy in a tie-breaker situation. -- Watch this video!.
Really, I'm looking for nothing in particular, just to make a trade and see where this goes. So if you have anything you'd like to offer in exchange for the house, and I mean anything, be sure to send in your offer!
Details about the red paperclip house:
Located at 503 Main Street in Kipling Saskatchewan Canada
Fully furnished.
Two floors + basement
Three bedrooms
Two bathrooms
Refinished hardwood floors.
Fridge, stove, sinks, drawers, shelves...all the regular kitchen stuff.
Large grass front yard + large grass backyard.
Gas hot water tank + gas furnace.
close proximity to schools, restaurants, grocery stores, hospital, etc. Kipling has most services in town.
Giant red paperclip on the front lawn.
located a stone's throw away from the world's largest red paperclip.
Click on thumbs to see more pics of the house:

Have fun,
How whacky! I like it. I'm going to see if I can find a nice red paperclip to trade for it. ;-)
I have a giant oil supertanker somewhere - triple-hulled, colour TV, the works - only I forget where I parked it - finger's crossed, I'll give you a shout if it shows up.
I'll give you a pair of inline skates, a church pew, and two ribeye steaks (or a white pizza if you're a vegetarian).
Totally willing to relocate to Canada (from KY, USA) and live in the house.
Icicle from Russia (Saint-Petersburg).
It is stored in the freezing chamber since January.
(Unfortunately, it has broken on some parts).
I will trade my ex husband for this house. Hell I will even throw in my two adult kids ( and their kids and their grandkids )
Just want to say that I admire your adventure, that's great. I am from Russia, my husband and i have just bought a house to start our own business there. :) I bet it would never occur to us to get the house in such a way. I simple want to wish you and your family good luck! /Maria
If i would be reach,i would propose you a piece of land somethere in Colorado near a lake and a small boat,but sorry,im no so rich,but for now i can propose you an old house in Ukrainian village,if you wish.It could be a problem with utilities though.......and with transportation.
Wow! Is this the next part of the triology! Best of luck.
I will trade you the random package: a box of romance pulp postcards, a purple lava lamp, two Chinese women's shirts, and a blue heart-shaped paper weight if you're interested.
I have an marvelous deal.
I have a Chinese (as in actually bought in China) t-shirt. This shirt is amazing for the fact that the words on it make no sense whatsoever. The shirt itself is sage green. It says "Raised through my father, blessed by the water, bless me with the leaf of a poetry".
I'll also throw in a lava lamp, a box of pulp romance postcards, and a Washington Post mug.
Dude, the red paper clip adventure continues! Congrats!
Kyle... I'm disappointed. All this time owning a house in Saskatchewan and you've spent absolutely no time with the fracas.
Geez. You've totally missed out on the best part of this province.
Seriously though... I think I know who those guys are.
DUDE!!! I can't believe you're trading the Red Paper Clip Legacy away! Oh well I'm sure you'll find something cooler. You should go for a private island! Red Paperclip land! Or The
United Red Paperclips!
"it's a home not a house"
how about a direct swap with
Bonnie Doon?
We're okay with site accessability. Disassembly would
have to be done carefully then to
shipping container trucked to
Port Melbourne. You would have
arrange transport after that.
GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Great blog! I have a question, how did you add these links that come up underneath your blog name on a google search:
fish pen
Movie Role everything else
Instant Party
I am guessing that you used the google webmaster tools. Did you just modify your sitemap?
Hey Guys! Just try http://www.theexampapers.com/gallery if u r in search of any pic!!
Wow, are you seriously trading your house? :o
Well, maybe someone is willing to trade his own business, who knows. An island would be cool too, but impossible :P
Anyway, good luck with trading!!
Been following your story since the very beginning. Good for you Kyle...good for you - Nards
I wonder where this story is going to go next?
With regards to those guys...I was wondering if they were a band called "Tayles" that had an album called "Who are these guys"
Is that who they are?
I think I saw those guys today in the science section of my local library, of course we all had to be silent so I couldn't find out who they are. Too bad. I might offer a bag of unwashed llama hair for the house, but please be patient I haven't decided yet.
I have a giant oil supertanker somewhere - triple-hulled, colour TV, the works - only I forget where I parked it - finger's crossed, I'll give you a shout if it shows up.
Wait a minute, that comment looks so familiar... George B Prasetyo is in exactly the same boat as me! Or supertanker rather... I just hope he doesn't know who those guys are.
Good Blog
Yo No Se Si Voy A Jugar
I.m Spanish
i,m Spanish Good Blog
when do we get to see who won the trade?!? Also, I see you've taken the update as to the change of deadline off...any reason for this?
Hi Kyle! I can trade your house for a RED Vespa PX 150 (1994 - made in Italy), recently restored (motor and chassis), and painted!!!
Does it sounds attractive?... You could be famous traveling arround the world whit your new RED Vespa!!!
Amazing Concept, Good Blog, will you trade for a Scooter...
So, have you decided yet? Just finished reading the book and now I, along with my colleague whose book it is, am wanting to know what's next...
Jo, Aberdeen UK
I also just finished reading the book, seriously like 10 minutes ago. I ran triumphantly into the next room and told my mother that the book made me want to follow my dreams.
"what are your dreams?" she asked
"I don't know"
"Sounds like a good place to start."
So I came to your page for inspiration and you're trading the house? Really? ok, well, whatever you do please write another book about it. And while you're doing that, I'll figure out my dreams and work on that. I'll keep you posted.
Krista - http://sometimesiblogkj.blogspot.com
PS- also, please inform me when you publish the book. I'd like to trade you something for a free copy.
Thank you Kyle for the inspiration!
Hello Kyle! I come from Taiwan.I read your book,it really surprised me!I think you really have guts,this plan was not safe,but you insist to finish it!I never think it can be ture,but you did it!I just feel so happy for you!And it was really a wondreful trip during that year.Good luck!/May
Have been following your quest for a while now. I always thought the house you traded for was really cool - can't believe you're going to keep trading. It's going to have to be for something really, really amazing. Good luck!
Nice house, wish you best of luck in selling it!
let me find a red paperclip and i will be all over this.
Cyber Monday
nice house! wish you the best in selling
nice house
Hello Kyle. A few years ago I heard about you. Now I just finished reading your book. (It was fun!)
I thought visiting your website would be fun too, just to know what's up now.
To my surprise I see that you are trading the HOUSE... guess there will be a second book?
The Netherlands.
Refreshing, and just what I needed to pick me up again.
I can't wait to see what you do next.
Amazing concepts, Nice house,
it is very nice house
Hrithik Roshan</a
an island is NOT impossible. in fact, i challenge you to a dual. I in fact recently started my own trade, i began with the silver part of a BIC lighter and in a few short days have made my way to a fly fusion pentop computer. I'm not stopping until i get a castle (preferably on an island). Whoever get's the castle wins the challenge. if your interested email me at crazytrickmonkey333@yahoo.com.
With all the great things in Saskatchewan, we are sorry to see you go. You definitely put that little town on the map. I am interested to see what you traded for it though! Considering the jump in housing prices I'm surprised you wouldn't sell it instead.
That's sweet house~~~!I like it.
Also U guys can get discout Dunk Kicks on www_dunkicks_com
One Red Guitar Pick is in play!
Want to trade?
Why would you trade the house...after all you worked for. You probably don't like the location it is situated in. I just finished your book after 1 1/2 years of reading the book a bit then stopping, then continueing again...lol.
I'm really sad. I just finished your book and decided to come onto the website (I didn't come any earlier, because I didn't want to ruin the story).
And now you are trading the house.
That sucks, man!
In Honour of Kyle MacDonald & Kipling Sakatchewan's Paperclip Festival!
Here are the lyrics to the song I wrote and actually offered for the house Kyle recently offered to trade: "If One Red Paperclip Could":
If Kyle can trade one red paper clip
Up for a house on Kipling’s Main strip
If for a song he can then turn and flip
It into a home sweet home family trip
If you can give more than you get
Before the unforgiving day is done
Yours is the key to more than this town’s heart
“And - which is more - you’ll be a man - my son!”
Kipling, Kipling Saskatchewan
Where "If" Becomes Reality Kipling,
Kipling, Kipling Saskatchewan
Your greatest strength is people – it’s family!
If one red paper clip could help a dream come true
All things are possible, now we can do it too
If one red paper clip could connect new friends
We’ll keep adding pages to this story that never ends
If One Red, If One Red Paper Clip could...
Copyright 2008 John Stuart Carlisle Hetherington (SOCAN)
And then I read Kyle's book and realized all that he went through to make his dream trade up happen and had to apologize for only being able to offer a song.
Taken from the post: http://tradeb2rv.blogspot.com/2008/08/red-paperclip-inspiration.html
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. But you also have Imagination on your side!
You can hear a raw version of the "If One Red Paper Clip Could (One Red Guitar Pick Can! Song)" at the One Red Guitar Pick site and here: http://www.myspace.com/oneredguitarpick
Any grumpy neighbours the new owners should know about???:D
Mark Basa
Mark Basa, Northfield, Vermont 5663 - SSN, Credit Records, Arrest Records, Court Records, Criminal Records ..
I heard about the paper clip to house thing a while ago and just now came across your blog. Read about it in the papers here in England. Amazing stuff!!!
UK Freight
I was assigned to read this book for a sales class at my university.
I thought it would be boring but it turned out I couldn't put it down. It was not only fun to read but a huge inspiration. Thank you :)
Any piece of art in my gallery, a secret recipe for chocolate cake, and my neighbor's rooster..
Hm... how about a small cabin in the Oregon cascades, a 1999 Jeep Wrangler Automatic, and two adironack chairs?
This is for real? Oh my.. A red paperclip got you a house :)
The Best Blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have done a great thing now i shall set up a site called one red toenail. Do you think it would work? At least a paperclip is useful!
izmir blog
The way the credit market is today, it's about the only way anyone can get a house these days.
Not the only way. Please see and enter for the $11 House!
The contest where a house with a past could change your future.
wow! this is a novel concept.!
nice red paperclip.
Me and my fashion retail class at college are trying your idea for our Finance work. But instead of a red paperclip, it's a green one [:
It's for the Banardos charity.
Until now I had never thought of just trading things.
Hi Kyle,
Loved the book and the website! Fun!!! Great!!!
I was just thinking, just as your initial stated goal (as stated in your book) was to obtain and provide a home for your family (and this is what led to all of the trades)... I was just thinking that it might be time for a new goal, say twice as hard as the first, which will then propel and direct future trades (for the current house... and thereafter).
For instance, it might be your new goal to "Own a home (in a particular city." Say, Montreal, New York, L.A., or wherever you wish to live. (Or some other goal!) Whatever it is you really want.
It just seemed like it was the end goal that directed all of the trades. Then it didn't really matter what got traded for what (as long of course as it was an upgrade and felt right!)
And of course the surprises were 99.9% of the run!!!
I was just thinking, letting people know this new goal MIGHT drive the process forward, as it did as you got more advanced in your first goal. (I.e. people knew you were going for a house.)
Just trying to do whatever I can to help!!!
Bring on Red Paperclipl 2!!!
Go for it!!! I know you will succeed!!!!!
p.s. maybe you already have such a goal.... if so just trying to help!
A paper-clip for a house, unbelievable!!! (even with intermediate steps)
nice blog...
very nice...
im from indonesia...
my name abiq...
Hey Kyle,
I just finished your book last night. This is my first visit to your site. I can't believe you're trading the house! It seems like you just got it - ok, that's because I just read the book. I know there's someone out there who really needs that house and I know you'll find them.
Good luck!
- Jeanne
This is one of the greatest stories. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.
good post
your story is veri inspiring, kyle. i told your story in one of the sharing session in my office. i'm now preparing a book about networking, and in a part of it i'd like to write about your story.
i'll give you my first born... i don't exactly have a first born but i could work on finding one, if you're interested.
i'll give you a tissue box i made myself :P!
Good Luck!
Hi Great blog! I have a also question, how did you add these links that come up underneath your blog name on a google search:
fish pen
Movie Role everything else
Instant Party
I am guessing that you used the google webmaster tools. Did you just modify your sitemap?
beautiful house. Regards from lima peru
love itttttt
im searching for a red paperclip right now
Im facinated by ur story, im only 12 but still (: congrats n ur fame that started with "one red paperclip" (:
trade for this house but i do not have anything....
I just finished reading your book.
Enjoyed it from the first to the very last page. Will probably write a review for our book promotion newspaper :) (I am a CIO of Russian books retailer)
In any case, I would like to say that you house is a great symbol, and people and symbols are better off if they none of them are for sale. Think about it :)
This is all interesting and whacky. Wait, I'll check n see what I have over in my house here.
How whacky! I like it. I'm going to see if I can find a nice red paperclip to trade for it.
Ill give you an old Cukoo clock... broken and not worth alot.. haha... If you are willing to loose a house for a Cukoo clock. Or mabye even a box of old maps and post cards that are in perfect condition.
Can't wait to see how this turns out!!! Very exciting :-D
What an interesting story! I hope that the house will go to someone worthy of such a legacy. What is in store for you next, though?
Premier of Dallas
Nice! Luv it!
I am becoming a fan of your blog because of this post.
Funny! red paper clips as a theme.
Lots of laughs-Bill Starkov
Wow! Great to read you are trying to take this a step further by trading the house. Good luck.
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