
Now, I know what you're thinking, dear blog reader, "Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
Well, I'm not exactly sure if I'm in a position to plead for my sanity here - after all, I am trying to trade one red paperclip for a house. But I must re-inforce what I believe the one red paperclip project is all about: relative value. What's more important to a man dying of thirst in the desert - one million dollars or a glass of water? So all I gotta do now is find somebody who needs a "drink". (The KISS snowglobe is filled with water - well, a water-ish substance, at least.) What I'm trying to say here is that I strongly believe that one person's trash is another person's treasure. Sure, to you, a KISS snow globe might be worth a lot less than an afternoon with Alice Cooper, but what about somebody who really likes snow globes? I think I'll be able to flip this snow globe for something much bigger and better on my quest to get to that house. What's it going to be? Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and find out how this turns out!
Remember, this isn't just a regular old KISS snowglobe - it's a motorized KISS snowglobe with multi-colored lights, and above all else, a variable speed dial. Yes, you read that right - a variable speed dial.

I know, I know. Variable. So good. Stay tuned. I feel good about this one. And hey, if you want a KISS snowglobe, send me your offer! - Kyle
Wanna see if I traded this snowglobe?
...but why not have a little read
through them comments on this post first?
Here's what happend with the KISS Snowglobe.
Gotta say, Kyle, I've been nervous about you plateauing with this project but you might have just set this up to last a whole lot longer. Maybe your visionary risk taking on a snow globe will skip the ten steps it seems that you have added to get back to something like an afternoon with Alice Cooper. Here's hoping you amaze the skeptics.
Wow... I'm somewhat stunned at this trade. You're almost back where you started!
Hope it works out Kyle -- one thing's for sure, you know how to take a ride!
eep...I hope you know what you're doing. I'd really, really, like to see you set up in that house in Bonnie Doon. I'm sure you had your reasons for picking that snowglobe...
I totally think you should have held out a little longer, or maybe have chosen something else, I mean jeez would you have traded the snowmobile or the cube van or the trip for a snow globe, but hey its your project I just hope next time you get some big ticket item you hold out for the right offer ,,,all the best luck on your future trades.
I think a little piece of me just died inside. I've been following this for the past couple months, and have been checking the page regularly. I was very impressed with everything you've done up to this point. Are you trying to get a house, or trying to make somebody you are trading to ridiculously happy? Or is this some kind of April fools joke in May? I'm sure you already know this, but the KISS snow globe goes for under $50 on ebay.
this is the worst trade that i have ever heard of, bar none
Kyle, man what were you thinking? I personally think this is the craziest thing you have done. I hope you get a good deal for it. Personally I would have traded for the fire truck!
Good Luck! The world is watching.
Maybe Gene Simmons will take an interest in the snow globe.
This is possibly the dumbest decision I have ever seen anyone make...ever. Except for the people on Jerry Springer. They make stupid decisions all the time.
By taking one step forward, you took 3 steps back with this trade. Obviously a great item to give to a fanatic... but how many are going to want something they could get on eBay for 50 bucks?
I really think that you made one of the dumbest mistakes anyone could ever make. You should've gone for the fire truck or the T.V./sound system, anything that is worth more than $50 on eBay. You really did disappoint everyone who has been following your progress.
You traded for the SNOWGLOBE?!
ARRRGGGHHH!!! I could've come up with something better that a lousy KISS snowglobe!
I could've got the afternoon with Alice...
I'm going into the nearest corner, to cry myself to sleep. WHAAAH!
i can't hate. i think that you have a cool thing going here. maybe the street value of the snowglobe makes some people skeptics. but i believe. i think this is a cool site. you've got a lot more going for you than just the inherent value of the snowglobe. good luck. your house is out there.
I just lost all faith in you and your trading ability. I have a doll house that Is worth more than the KISS snow globe. How stoned did you get with Alice?
Dude, pretty much does look like you messed up this time. This is going to take far longer now. Unless something has gone on behind the scenes that we dont know about, this was abit dumb. Why? After all the media attention you got would you make this trade? Seems foolish.
Wow, i hope you're kicking yourself right now. I hope you're kicking yourself nice and hard. I knew you shouldn't have traded that one year in phoenix (which was a huge entrance into the real estate territory) for something with such relative value like an afternoon with a celebrity. And now look what you got.. a freakin ice globe (???). I don't mean to throw a wrench into your eternal hope and optimism, but there's a collectible store 2 blocks away from my house that sells that globe for $40. I wouldn't trade it with a smiley doorknob if I had one! I can vaguely hear your red paperclip weeping from here. Just WOW. What a total letdown.
Some times the best thing to do is to take a couple of step back to have a brand new horizon in front of you. Hope this will be your case.
I think you took a very big risk but at the end - isn't this your project anyway?
Good look
Put your face on my site
Sorry dude, but i think you've really gone backwards on this one. Like, back to the camping stove backwards.
At this point it seems you have made the most stupid decision ever. Maybe you have something up your sleeve but I bet you just lost a big following.
what on earth are you thinking? step back a few months - you had a cube van and before then a snow mobile, now you have a snow globe... you must admit you are hitting a slight blip...
So it seems like a trade down.. so what? You're definitely going to get that house regardless. Keep having fun with it. Best wishes
I'll trade you a red paper clip for that snow globe.
I'm missing something here... from one year's free rent to a snow globe? Huh??
Keep going Kyle mate. I'm over the moon with the snowglobe trade. All the best stories have their twists.
And Duncan;
From one Scot to another: you're a nobber.
I'm with you on this trade for sure! I can only assume that not a single person on the comment board paid close attention when you said "VARIABLE SPEED". That globe is the best thing since sliced bread and at least you know that.
well my name is Kyle McDonald, from Canada, i will trade you, my old wendy's uniform for your snowglobe
How cute; it sounds like you helped somebody with his photography career. What a nice person you are.
In other news, I think my head just exploded. How could you make a trade like that??? You got offered some much more valuable things, and personally, if I had known it would come to this, I could have tried blackmailing some of my aging relatives into relinquishing their homes, but nooooo, you had to go and...gah!!!!! *goes to pick up the pieces of her exploded head*
<3 <3 <3 *;_;*)
P.S. Wait a minute...are you just trying to draw this campaign out as long as possible so as to attract more media attention? Is that your secret plan?
Hi Kyle,
THANK YOU for taking the snow globe. I think you made a wise choice. After all, how can the world of common people stay involved in the trading game when you have gone into the realm of the rich and famous? Now we can get back to some serious trading and we can keep following your fascinating journey around the world! The Alice Cooper stage was quite fun, but, thanks for keeping it real!
I am just wondering if the therapist who offered the free phone therapy has need of a snow globe. I really know a lot of people who could use that therapy.
Oh, Kyle!
I also have been following your endeavors for months. Please tell us what you were thinking!
I only read all of the comments for this latest trade hoping to find other people who had checked eBay. Indeed, there were quite a few! This has lifted my spirits somewhat because if others thought to check Ebay, surely *you* thought to check eBay as well. Right, Kyle? So that *must* mean you know something we don't. It just must!
Oh, Kyle. What have you done?!
Je trouvais déjà douteux ton échange avec Alice Cooper... alors la boule...
Mais ce que j'en comprend aujourd'hui, c'est que ton blog à pris de tel proportion que tu peux te permettre de faire un peu de bien autour de toi...
Continues et bonne chance!!!!
All I can figure is that a lot of the offers for the afternoon with Alice Cooper turned out to be bogus. Best of luck to ya....
I think most people here are failing to realise that he was already plateuing in terms of what people were willing to trade. By going back (almost) to the start, he can take a different approach on how to get to the house, and keep this project going.
k here's the thing, did no one hear about the variab speed thing or are they just choosing to ignore it. good choice son, don't let the crabby fans cramp your style.
I thought this was stupid and quite a sad choice for ALICE COOPER! I mean, come on... Alice Cooper...
But, after seeing a nice guitar being offered (or what sounds like a nice one), I guess your choice couldn't have been TOO bad, although, I still say the firetruck was damn cool.
Hope you know what your doing paperclip dude!
Sod this, it's getting boring now. If this is an attempt to make things more interesting, it's backfired. We're waiting long enough to see you progress towards the house, and then you take a backwards step by about 80% of the value.
Well I guess that is what happens when you should have done something. What is with all the, "I could have done this, if I knew that" that is the whole point. If you don't make an offer you will never know. Hey Kyle, do you thing man, keep up the good work.
Wow. I am a bit surprised. A Snow Globe. Is this variable speed Kiss snow globe a rare collectors item? Last one of them?
If not.. you are not really making this easy! Stay focused man. What is your goal? Is it the house? Media attention? Long project?
What is your focus dude?
Tomi from Finland
Dude, this is just moronic. What happened to the firetruck!
Whatever your plans are Kyle, I support you 100%... no one criticizing you here has accomplished anything near to what you have done in terms of these trades, so who are they to talk? Good luck with your continued adventures, I can't wait to see what you trade for next! All the best - Nikki
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
"Kyle, what are you thinking? A KISS snowglobe for an afternoon with Alice Cooper? Are you crazy?"
why oh why
make an offer
an offer
any offer?????
now I think
you might have
been interested
in my trade!
And to think
I thought
my offer wouldn't
be good enough?
Variable speed?
Is that a clue?
this is a really strange development. my theory is that alice cooper had to have a say in who he spent his afternoon with. or perhaps a.c. has paid kyle off somehow, and there's a backroom exchanging of money that we aren't aware of? i mean, i know a lot of the offers that we saw for the afternoon with alice cooper were a bit odd, but the kiss snowglobe? i wouldn't even trade a fishpen for the snowglobe. this really makes me questions kyle's intentions all along, i have to say.
And thus this project jumps the shark.
worst trade, ever.
excellent, you keep it running and interesting.
you're absolutely right with what you said about individual value!!!
I am sure you will be successful
good luck from germany
Guys, you're totally missing the point! THIS THING HAS VARIABLE MOTOR CONTROL!!!!
You're not taking the VARIABLE MOTOR CONTROL into account! DUDES!
I can't believe you traded an evening with Alice Cooper (or a truck for that matter) with a snowglobe, well.. happy trading!
Kyle, you have to make wiser choices in the future. That Alice Cooper afternoon was worth much more than that globe - as cool as it may be. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I think this latest trade of yours was a definate set-back. Keep going though, it would be great to see you reach your goal.
This wasn't that bad of a trade, people pay hundreds of dollars for ordinary bricks from a movie set just because they were in the movie.
This site is pretty big so Im sure people will trade big for this...uh...snowglobe
You know what...you started with a paper clip that anyone could've bought a box of for a buck at a dollar store and made it to free rent for a year, then a day with Alice Cooper. In spite of all the detractors...and yes...it prolly was a trade down...its still way more valuable than a red paper clip...and look how far you made it with that. Keep it up man. And way to be more interested in bringing happiness to people through the project than just hoarding it all to yourself.
You're 15 minutes of fame are about up... After such a weak trade, I know I won't be following your site any longer... I was really pulling for you to get the house, but now I see you're just riding the wave for fame... If you'd of gotten something that interested me, I would have traded one of my houses to you!
Nice move, you bright eyed optimist you! Clearly, this project went wrong from a 'trading up' perspective when Kyle traded a year's rent for a day with Alice Cooper. Not to diss Alice, but none of the subsequent offers came close to a year's rent in value. I think Kyle made the best of an awkward situation by choosing a goofy offer like the snow globe.
After all, this isn't about clear-eyed ambition, right? It's about lunatic optimism and the winds of fate... Can't wait to see what's next!
Like Guinness in a can....BRILLIANT!!!
Peter, Toronto
I will offer...
...one red paper clip.
No. Seriously. How do I send an offer?
Hi Kyle,
Im jules from MTL...
i was up late a couple of weeks ago and i saw a show on TV on GSN (Game Show Network) called "I've got a secret" (http://www.gsn.com/secret/index.php) and Corbin Bernsen was invited and his secret was that ... he's a huge snow globe collector!!!!!
just thought i would give you a heads-up on that one.
cheers and good luck on all your endeavours!
Wohaa I trade your snowball for one BLUE paperclip!
What was the matter with the lorry?
this all seems pretty obvious. you have a year's rent in Phoenix, trade that for an evening with Alice Cooper and then to a KISS glitter globe. I'm guessing that Kentucky dude has a hot sister or friend who gave it up as an added bonus to the trade. Of course, we'll never know.
Unless of course, she trades the video footage for a house.
Now if you could get the original members of KISS to SIGN said snowglobe, that might put a new wrinkle on this trade. Especially when that's on top of the motorized variable speed control features.
Maybe it's a longshot, but so was using a red paperclip to get yourself on stage at an Alice Cooper concert.
Egad! A KISS Snowglobe? With variable speed motor???? Why, I'd trade one of my many houses for such a thing of beauty!!!
A KISS snow globe...even if it has variable speed, how can that be a trade up from an afternoon with a legend of rock and roll? After all, you could've traded Alice Cooper an afternoon with himself for something that he signed for you!
Now that would've been a twist.
I really don't mind the trade and all, but I think a firetruck would just be awesome to have, at least for a while. Not many people have a firetruck afterall.
The snow globe! What??? Ow, my brain is hurting trying to figure that trade out...
If I were you , I would call Alice, tell him you were having some kind of flashback (I'm sure he can relate) and ask for a second chance....then you can trade a day with Alice plus the snowglobe for something maybe half way as decent as the year of free rent that you gave up!
I have been dropping by every week or so since I heard you on a Rogers Radio interview. It will probably be a while before I drop back again knowing it is going to take quite sometime before you get back to the stage you were at with the trades. I am still wondering if you know something about this globe that the rest of us don't know yet. Maybe I will check back earlier than later just to see if we are all mistaken on your decision about this globe.
Talk later,
I'm not sure you gave yourself enough credit here, Kyle. I think most people were trading with you not for what they got, but to be a part of something. You developed a following for a reason, because you were out there doing something most of us never will and we kind of envied it. If you lose your following, what's left? Then it is just the street value, and who is going to want to be the one who traded something bigger than the Alice Cooper visit for a snowglobe? And if it goes downhill, what happens to the book deal? It's just a little over a month to your goal date and you seem to have convinced many of your followers that you're going backwards. Whether you owe anything to the public or not, their belief that you appreciate them is what keeps people checking the trades.
This is a brilliant site. I wish I'd thought of it. I hope you get that house.
So I have been following your site for quite a while now. I read the snowglobe trade and the first thing I thought was WHAT?! Oh dear God! Now I still think it wasn't the best, but people are so negative. Why would they give up on you now when it is just getting interesting? Afterall we are all waiting to see with baited breath what exactly you do with the snowglobe. Where you go from here is really the make or break with this one. Keep on going! I know I'll be checking to see every day.
I am sure he gave him some drugs with that too... First got him ridiculously drunk or high or something, then gave the offer, why else would he accept that offer? HAHAH
Man, you've got balls!!!
seriously you negative commentors - it does have a variable speed dial!
Keep being who you are - it's what got you this far and what makes all the people following you enjoy being part of something different and positive
What? There has to be more to this trade. What is it? If there isn't you have lost me.
You should try to get in contact with KISS somehow. I know it's not likely, but if Alice Cooper was willing to help you out, maybe they'd be willing to obtain the snowglobe off you for an autographed guitar or something. Perhaps Alice Cooper knows Gene Simmons?
I've got one word for you KARMA! And YOUR karma is glowing! I think you did the right thing. You made some guy's dream come true...how could karma NOT give back to you with another wicked trade!
Let's see... cube van - recording contract - years worth of rent - afternoon with alice cooper - battery powered toy. Seems like a natural progression...
I'm with those who say you've just exposed your cards...extend this thing longer and you get the media attention (hell, what media outlet wouldn't pay significant attention to what a dumb trade this was). I really do hope that some fans back away at this point. That's what I intend to do. See you in about 6 weeks, the amount of time it will take to get back to "rent-free" offers.
Dude, the floodgates just opened. I bet you got lots of rediculous offers for stuff before. But after this one, everyone & their mother will be offering the cheesiest things with some kind of sob story to get you to trade knowing you have a soft spot. I hope things work out for you. Good luck the rest of the way.
Don't let the naysayers get you down!
This is not a snowglobe. This is KYLE'S SNOWGLOBE. The one of the RED PAPERCLIP project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll make it.
OH MY GOD what were you thinking. A snow globe. i don't care if it was a god snow globe you don't trade something so priceless for a snow globe. i hope your next trade is a LARGE step forward and not another step backwards.
Good luck to you at this. But if you keep trading like this you will never get a house.
I am rooting for you but COME ON!!!
WHY? I already thought Alice Cooper was a set back from a year's free rent! And now... this?
If you're looking for a deal with satan himself, you're on the right track with this KISS-business.
Better watch your back, oh silly Canadian.
It is totally incorrect to equate "how much it would bring on ebay" with true value, or even trade-ability. Sure, if we calculate the monetary equivalent of each of these deals, one side or the other lost money. Then why did they trade? You got it---money is not the only, or even the best, scale against which to judge things.
I`m japanese girl,16years old,high school student.I haven`t anything to trade with you,but I always see your homepage.I think you are nice guy!(^▼^)I hope you will received a new house☆★
I think its totally bad ass that you traded for a snow globe. I honestly think its to the point now that people will trade for anything just to be a part of the magic. You rock! Keep it up!
These naysayers are missing the point: it's not about the street value of something but the journey. That snow globe is going to kick ass for you Kyle; I can feel it. I'm keeping the faith!
When somebody makes the documentary short subject about this project, this will be the headscratching pivot point.
It's most likely the fatal moment for the whole thing. "He had the most precious opportunity in his hands and traded it for a...s**wg***e!" (I can't actually bring myself to write that.)
The world being what is, however, this just might work. Their might be some way you can make this work out in your favor. We'll have to wait for the documentary to find out.
I rather doubt, though, that after this you'll get too many other offers like this incredibly generous offer from a true one-of-a-kind rock legend.
I really, really want this to work for you, man...but holy crap: The Coop Himself for a s**wg***e?
It never even occured to me to put in a trade offer because I knew someone would come up with something far out of my reach.
I guess I learned something, too.
Thats crazy.To start out with one paper clip and get a house thats just total luck. hope you enjoy your new house
I just saw u on the news in Australia
Whoa glad this one worked out for you in the end, who could ever have doubts in the kyle the amazing trader! lol
Mental, well done bud!
You should set up a trade it Website and charge £1 or $1 per trade!!!
To all the know it alls out there. Never try to out think a man at his own game as you will loose everytime. Just enjoy the ride and learn.
Oh, people of little faith. I was actually HORRIFIED to see all of the bashers on here, all of the people who acted as if you slighted them personally! And it looks as though you have the last laugh. Great job, and what a wonderful story. I hope you enjoy your house and a bit of relative peace!
Your inspirational to me. Crazy ideas still do pay off. Despite the skeptics, you pulled it off. Rock on dude.
What an amazing story!
The three I's-
Well done Kyle
thats one hell on a trick man,three more years and you'll be swapin for the apprentice then president of the u.s.a. or not?
probably more along the lines of something like this:
I traded my red paper clip for a used CRACK PIPE,
which was in turn, traded for a years' worth of CRYSTAL METH,
which I used to hire 4 PROSTITUTES, which bought me a 18-WHEELER used to smuggle mexican immigrants. With the money from the immigration ring, I was able to purchase a string of GUNS, which were them sold to local street gangs. With the money from the gangs, I was able to buy USED VIDEO PORN, which I then re-sold to the ELDERLY, in exchange for all of their PERSCRIPTION DRUGS, which I then re-sold to the PROSTITUTES, who then earned enough money for me to get my ASS WAXED, which from that hair, I made a nice TOUPEE for a bald gentlemen. In exchange for the toupee, I was given Testostorone pills, which I then traded to TRANSVESTITE HOOKERS, in exchange for 30 minutes of "HAPPY TIME". When the police finially caught me, I made a deal...give me a FREE HOUSE, and will testify aganist everyone involved.
HA, HA, Just kidding.
It's a really amazing story.. Friends told me about it, but I couldn't believe my ears!
A few weeks later, I had to search over for your site for a school assignment and I red almost all the trades you made.
I can tell you, I've done this as a game before, with two tomatoes and some spaghetti but we only came home with an iron, not a house! ;)
You're genius!
Greets from the Netherlands
Hello, there is a competition goin on in my school where we try to imitate the idea of trading a red paper clip for the best items resulting in a car (instead of a house). Right now we have a snow globe with a wizard inside of it and a dragon clenching around the globe. It also winds up and plays a fancy musical tune!!!!! :D!!! If anyone is interested in trading for it, I would appreciate any offers.
Ur freakin insane! ur a legend dude!
Wowza! If you made it this far...BRAVO! Here's a link to the next trade: http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/2006/06/one-movie-role.html
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